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query hint

the query with debug logging: <general>  ... <logger name="query" level="debug" /> </general> You should see query plans that use ... > hgzpincher Hans-Georg Zwicker If a query plan is not included in the debug log then hints

How to track memory leak with ObjectDb.

carrefully the memory leak issue. That's is very hard to debug because of obfuscated objectdb code ... , how can a developper do his debug job correctly with your obfuscated code ? Can you give me some advices about it or a way to do debug easier with objectdb ? Thanks, Xirt

Online backup problem

> When I turn on DEBUG logging in ODB, I get multiple ClassNotFoundExceptions like :  that is shown only in logging at DEBUG level is normal (part of the class searching process

Trouble viewing db in Explorer.

have debug on, here is a sample of the console:     [2012-06-07 11:08:06 #47186 ... is DEBUG, in order to track searching for classes). If possible, please publish a database file that demonstrates the problem. support Support

Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to commit a rollback only transaction

. Essentially one client runs in debug mode in the ide, and has a breakpoint in ... > Enable debug level logging for both the client and the server. Try

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

;general> <logger name="*" level="info" />  <logger name="query" level="debug

Spring Data JPA - PersistenceException thrown

> It's difficult to debug exactly what might be going on due to the obfuscated code. I will note ... of debugging, I found that the MetaModel is for JPA 1.0 spec. The dependency listed on the maven page

Strange Error with Criteria API and Sorting

> This doesn't make any sense, there might not be any "$2" variable. More strangely, when debugging through the error doesn't error but if you run without debugging through then it happens.

Negative snapshot user count exception

to the database corruption.  I've tried enabling a finer level (both 'trace' and 'debug ... debug information? FastModel Ben Schreiber Discussion was moved to a private support


(debug...)? Thanks Marta   Maruta M Sedlakova debugging environment, we may be able to understand and fix the issue. support