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Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

a full Garbage Collection (GC) when heap RAM gets low for my application.  This would use a Least Recently ... from the ObjectDB cache, such as when the JdoBlob2 gets deleted. I use JavaVirtualVm ... ) then the memory gets freed by the next full GC.  I can also close the PersistenceManager

server.exe on 32bit and 64bit Windows

 .... getting message "Error starting Java VM"   I'm running Windows7 ... Is the server.exe compatible to start the objectdb server on Windows 64bit OS?  Or ... on both. If it doesn't - please provide more details. support Support The problem is that it cannot start

Occasionally slow requests in load testing

is generally OK, however there are quite a few "spikes" in the performance where we are getting a lot ... again and could see that it gets stuck in 3 different places, which are all different from last time ... , which takes up to 10 seconds. I've also noticed a large IO write spike at the same time the issue has started

JBOSS AS7 7.1.1 - Entity not persisted and createNamedQuery fire exception

service thread 1-1) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "Guestbook.war" 09:40:30,624 INFO  [org ... thread 1-4) MSC00001: Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit."Guestbook.war".INSTALL: org ... .DeploymentUnitPhaseService.start( [jboss-as-server-7.1.1.Final.jar:7.1.1.Final

Query becomes slower on moving from ObjectDB 1.x to ObjectDB 2.x

entry. Previously, with object 1.x, the same query was getting executed within an seconds and now ... .retrieve:482] Start Time : class ... > 11-Sep 14:56:34 ERROR  [JDORepository.retrieve:482] Start Time : class

Internal error

.AbstractLifeCycle.start( at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle.start( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.start( at org ... .Server.doStart( at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

and start over After a while and a lot of queries we get the above exception. gets corrupted all the time. So I repair, run ... , i.e. starts with a valid database and then corrupts it? support Support Hello,


> () Gets the copyOnAttach setting. Gets the copyOnAttach setting ... .PersistenceManager">getDetachAllOnCommit () Gets


> Gets the copyOnAttach setting. Gets the copyOnAttach setting. getDetachAllOnCommit () Gets


" event gets fired whenever a persistence-capable class is loaded and gets registered with the This method gets called when a persistence-capable class is registered. This method gets called when a persistence-capable