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JPQL query to get entities that does not have a child entity in their child entities

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Queries with createQuery As with most other operations in JPA, using queries starts

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

with names that start with that letter and the number of different currencies that are used by


well as smaller companies and start-ups, governments and defence forces. When database performance


JPA 2 JavaDoc Reference Documentation - Used to construct criteria queries, compound selections, expressions, predicates, orderings.

Step 1: Create a Java EE Web Project

We start by creating a new Java EE 6 Web Application project in NetBeans: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File > New Project... Select Java Web > Web Application and click Next

Step 1: Create a Web Project

We start by creating a new Eclipse Dynamic Web Project: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File > New > Project... Select Web > Dynamic Web Project and click Next.

Step 1: Create a Java Project

We start by creating a new Java project, using: File > New > Project... If you are using Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, you can see in the [New] menu a command for creating a [JPA Project]. We are not

Step 1: Create a Web Project

We start by creating a new NetBeans Web Application Project: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File > New Project... Select Java Web > Web Application and click Next.

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

We start with a basic JDO metadata file: <?xml version