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How to start a objectdb server with new Daemon (without blocking the thread)??

I am planning to use objectdb+jetty on Google compute engine server for my next project. But it seemed starting the server will block my thread. Any instruction to avoid thread blocking?    taheta Taheta Woon Consider using embedded mode

Getting Unexpected internal exception when updating entity in MEM db

Hi, I am using mem db. When am doing Merge operation getting "com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected internal exception" this exception for some cases.Can you please explain me the reason. Please find the below stack trace for your reference.

Getting this error when fetching records from mem db.

Getting following error when executing bellow query.   [2022-03-25 14:42:19 #1 query] Error during query execution: Select rt From RtDelete rt Where rt.EntityClass =: encls And rt.DeletedAt >: lastcheck({encls->RtCall

getting "Unexpected total page count" error when diagnosis mu db by ObjectDB doctor.

.Skill.Campaign.Id=: campid And agsk.Skill.Queue.Channel=:chan" for this query am getting

Slave server not getting deletes

I have a Master and Slave Server and the slave server is getting the persists, but when I do a delete query, the records don't get deleted "delete from TestTable t " When I insert a record, then delete it, then re-insert it again, the slave

Getting java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

HI, I am using ObjectDb 1.x and getting the following exception while calling the following code PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager(); if (!pm.isClosed()){              

Eclipse - Maven - Dependencies not getting automatically reflected

" which are inputted are not getting displayed. Say if I input springframework, it only reflect the jars

Puzzler: Not getting cascades on read from Spring context

Puzzler: Not getting cascades on read from Spring context

Application not starting after enhancement

Application not starting after enhancement

JPA Metamodel API

">hasSingleIdAttribute(); // Gets a single ID attribute - including inherited: getId(Long.class); // Gets a single ID ... /IdentifiableType/hasVersionAttribute">hasVersionAttribute(); // Gets the version attribute - excluding