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1-50 of 200 resultsGetting StartedAll about Getting Started in Java/JPA database - explanations, examples, references, links and related information. | |
StartAll about Start in Java/JPA database - explanations, examples, references, links and related information. | |
Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project The Getting Started with JPA tutorial provides step by step instructions on how to build a simple JPA database driven application in Eclipse or NetBeans . Building a new application step by step ... application as a Maven project: Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project (3KB | |
Getting Started with JPA - NetBeans Project To open and run the Quick Start with JPA tutorial project in NetBeans: Download and extract the project zip file: Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project (3KB) Open the Maven project in NetBeans: Select File Open Project... . Select the points-console directory and click Open Project . Run | |
Getting Started with JPA - IntelliJ Project To open and run the Quick Start with JPA tutorial project in IntelliJ IDEA: Download and extract the project zip file: Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project (3KB) Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA: Select File Open Project... . Select the points-console directory and click Open Project | |
Getting Started with JPA - Eclipse Project To open and run the Quick Start with JPA tutorial project in Eclipse: Download and extract the project zip file: Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project (3KB) Open the Maven project in Eclipse: Select File Import... Maven Existing Maven Projects and click Next . Select the points-console | |
Getting Started with JPA and Eclipse This is the Eclipse version of the Quick Start with JPA tutorial. It demonstrates how to create and run a simple JPA application in Eclipse. The demonstrated application uses JPA to store and retrieve simple Point entity objects, where each Point has two persistent fields: x and y | |
Getting Started with JPA; ObjectDB Manual , but if you prefer to start by running a live sample application in your IDE | |
Getting Started with JPA and NetBeans This is the NetBeans version of the Quick Start with JPA tutorial. It demonstrates how to create and run a simple JPA application in NetBeans. The demonstrated application uses JPA to store and retrieve simple Point entity objects, where each Point has two persistent fields | |
What's next? this chapter: Getting Started with JPA and Eclipse Tutorial Getting Started with JPA and NetBeans Tutorial These tutorials explain how to run the sample program. You can easily start your own ObjectDB ... reading the other chapters of this manual. If you prefer to get started with ObjectDB right away | |
Chapter 1 - Quick Tour your IDE refer to one of the following tutorials: Getting Started with JPA and Eclipse Tutorial Getting Started with JPA and NetBeans Tutorial These tutorials provide step by step instructions on how to start using JPA in your IDE with the ObjectDB object database. Given the simplicity of ObjectDB, that should be quick and easy even for a novice. | |
Getting com.objectdb.o.UserException: the default configuration file. I am getting the follwing error when I launch the application. Please help ... .StandardContext. start ( at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild ... .HostConfig.deployApps( at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig. start ( | |
Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries(str, substr [, start ]) function searches a substring and returns its position. For example: LOCATE ... is not found. The third argument (when present) specifies from which position to start the search. LOWER ... ') is evaluated to 'Serbia and Montenegro' . SUBSTRING - Getting a Portion of a String The SUBSTRING | |
Database Connection using JPA path) directly, bypassing the need for a persistence unit. Any string that starts with objectdb ... "); Getting an empty clean database easily is very useful in tests. However, to avoid the risk ... (). isActive ()) em. getTransaction (). rollback (); } A transaction is started by a call to begin | |
ObjectDB Object Database Features for Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ and Maven. Getting Started Tutorial (console). Web Application ... DataNucleus could start using ObjectDB immediately. SQL-like (but object based) query language - familiar | |
ObjectDB - JPA Object Database for Java with no mapping . See for yourself how easy it is. Download ObjectDB and follow the Getting Stated Tutorial ... - start writing more effective database code using Java classes and objects! Try an ObjectDB / JPA | |
Where can I learn how to use ObjectDB? The best source for learning ObjectDB is the ObjectDB Manual , which contains all the necessary information for using ObjectDB. The only required background is a good understanding of the Java language. Reading the manual and getting started with ObjectDB could be easier for developers with prior | |
Database Server that web application and run within the web server process. Starting the ObjectDB Server The ObjectDB ... com.objectdb.Server [options] start | stop | restart options include: -conf : specify ... : avoid printing messages to the standard output -console : avoid showing the server tray icon To start | |
JPA Metamodel API = entityType. hasSingleIdAttribute (); // Gets a single ID attribute - including inherited: SingularAttribute id1 = entityType. getId (Long.class); // Gets a single ID attribute - excluding  ... if the type has a version attribute: boolean hasVersion = entityType. hasVersionAttribute (); // Gets | |
Online Backup. Starting Online Backup The online backup can be started by executing a special query on an EntityManager ... Executing the backup query starts the backup asynchronously. Therefore, the backup query returns after the backup is started but at that time the backup operation may still be in progress | |
JPA Class Enhancer on the Tutorial pages: Quick Start with JPA JPA Web Application Java EE JPA Spring MVC and JPA ... .jar is located at c:\objectdb\bin , the JVM can be started by: java -javaagent:c:\objectdb\bin | |
Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API , and they can be used in ordering . Navigation through Path Expressions A path expression always starts ... are considered as basic paths and also serve as a starting point for building more complex paths | |
Database Explorer. By default, when the Explorer starts it tries to open a connection to the most recently used ... at startup] check box specifies whether or not to open the last opened database when the Explorer starts | |
FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API) inner value it gets at least a NULL value as a matching value in the FROM iteration | |
WHERE clause (JPQL / Criteria API) objects to the SELECT clause for collecting as query results, the WHERE clause gets an opportunity | |
JPA Primary Key for getting the object ID (primary key) of a specified managed entity object. For example | |
[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server arguments displays a usage message, as shown below: Usage: java com.objectdb.Server [options] start ... configuration TCP port to listen to To start the server, use the start command: java com.objectdb.Server start Running the ObjectDB server requires the specification of an ObjectDB server configuration | |
JPA Lifecycle Events order follows the definition order. Internal callback methods are invoked starting at the top level | |
Database Management Settings. As soon as the background index activation is completed, ObjectDB can start using the new indexes | |
SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API).name LIKE 'I%' Both Italy and Ireland (whose name starts with 'I') use Euro as their currency | |
Database Replication and Clustering , under the server data root directory. Starting a new replication of an existing master database | |
Auto Generated Values. The implication for the initialValue attribute is that if you want sequence numbers to start with 1 in the TABLE | |
Obtaining a JPA Database Connection) is also accepted. Any string that starts with the prefix objectdb: or ends with .odb or .objectdb is considered | |
JPA Query API. Building Queries with createQuery As with most other operations in JPA, using queries starts | |
Report Generation with BIRT and JPA simple as possible - we will use the basic points.odb ObjectDB database file from the Getting Started tutorial. The database file contains 1,000 Point entity objects, which represent points | |
[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer. A Windows EXE (explorer.exe) and a Unix shell script ( for starting the Explorer ... on it to start the Explorer. You can also start the Explorer from the command line. For instance, if the installation path of the ObjectDB Free Edition on Windows is c:\objectdb , you can start | |
[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes a method or by getting its value as an argument to a method, on the other hand, does not make the class ... class eMain { public static void main(String[] args) { // Always start by calling the enhancer: com | |
Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class created if not existing yet) when the web application starts , by instantiating an EntityManagerFactory ... it as an application scope attribute in the servlet context - when the web application starts | |
Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project We start by creating a new Maven-WTP dynamic web project in Eclipse: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Maven Maven Project and click  ... -plugin 6.1.10 10 foo 9999 start -jetty pre-integration-test run 0 true stop-jetty post-integration-test | |
Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project We start by creating a new Maven web project in NetBeans: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Maven Maven Web Application and click Next . Choose a Project ... ; start -jetty   | |
JPA Tutorials The following tutorials demonstrate how to develop database driven applications using JPA and the ObjectDB ODBMS (Object Oriented Database Management System). Console JPA Tutorial The Quick Start tutorial demonstrates how to use ObjectDB and JPA in a console application: Quick Start with JPA | |
Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class created if not existing yet) when the web application starts , by instantiating ... the servlet context - when the web application starts ( contextInitialized ). Retrieves | |
[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects Explicitly When a new object is constructed by the new operator, it always starts as a transient ... ( ... ) ). Persistence By Reachability The Address instance in the code above also starts out as ... are called root objects in object databases, because navigation in the database can easily start from | |
Step 1: Create a Java Project We start by creating a new NetBeans Project: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Java Java Application and click Next . Choose a Project Name (e.g. Tutorial ). The name of the Main class should be tutorial.Main . Verify that exactly this case sensitive fully | |
Step 1: Create a Java EE 6 Web Project We start by creating a new Java EE dynamic web project in Eclipse: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Web Dynamic Web Project and click Next . Choose a Project Name (e.g. Guestbook ). Select GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3 (Java EE 6) as the Target | |
Step 1: Install BIRT and ObjectDB Driver We start by installing the BIRT development environment and the ObjectDB data source driver. Installing BIRT Choose one of the following options to install the BIRT development environment: Download and install the complete BIRT development environment , which is a special distribution | |
Step 3: Create an ObjectDB Data Source Start tutorial ). Specify an ObjectDB connection url - either embedded (e.g. c:\points.odb ) or client | |
Step 1: Create a Java EE Web Project We start by creating a new Java EE 6 Web Application project in NetBeans: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Java Web Web Application and click Next . Choose a Project Name (e.g. Guestbook ) and click Next . Select GlassFish Server 3 (or above)  | |
[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour This chapter introduces basic ObjectDB and JDO concepts, using two sample programs. We start ... , but it is a good sample to start with because of its simplicity. We then proceed with the JDO ... a program entry point at development time. It starts by enhancing necessary classes (line 8). JDO | |
[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections for managing transactions. A transaction is started by a call to begin() and ended by a call to commit ... of the changes are applied to the database is not acceptable. Before commit() starts writing |