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101-150 of 200 resultsDatabase Inconsistency or corruption 2.6.8_02 im embedded mode. The problem is that data gets lost when updating an entity. 1 ... ObjectValues (with new Attributes and new Values) works fine. But, update does not work. The data gets ... , REVISION:=null, isPersisted:=false ... To confirm that the values are lost, I started the explorer | |
Extended mapping-definitions (respectively its class) gets mapped to a java class. So cats get mapped to the java class 'Cat', dogs to 'Dog ... and 2.) not all classes are known at project start (an editor). To deal with especially the 2 ... for the name of the class. Now this leads to the following problem: By default a Java object gets | |
Mismatch client-server protocol prefix starts with a prefix that is checked by the server before handling the request. That check could fail ... . Could you please check the specific query that caused the exception (assuming the stack trace starts ... ; This exception gets thrown at the getSingleResult line: java.lang.ClassCastException: | |
persistence.xml classes not respected by ObjectDB (+ their embeddable classes). P2 is created properly, but P1 gets all entity classes (from P2 ... erase the DB and start all over. But that's a problem. I have discovered it when I had to delete ... the elements in the development db, then upload the files on production, then start the app | |
after upgrade to 2.9.0 database destroys, urgent issue at our most important customer, production shutdown? Regarding the merge errors, did you start getting them only after fixing the database? According ... copy with the Doctor. With this arrangement you should find issues when they start (in that case ... is a pain, everytime we start it it connects directly to the database and then we have the access error | |
Replication Error to one of them, enabled recording and started odb. The dbname.odr folder got created so i think ... and started it. The second server starts complaining instantly with the following Exception: com.objectdb ... ? The manual says that it gets copied automatically. mosi0815 Ralph Moser Yes you are right | |
EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior.Provider Now in our project we use spring to start everything. If I do: System.out.println("EntityManager ... been getting . The unit test shows how when a query is performed on the holder, the attributeName ... , since it will enable getting into ObjectDB with the debugger (by replacing the objectdb jar | |
Different behavior with persist() and queried instances? to be being pretty useless.. thanks, Alex quasado Alexander Adam I am getting closer.. looks like ... : After the commit and persist calls I do close the entity manager so my object gets detached. Between ... it becomes a regular java.util.Array again which of course doesn't mark the object dirty when getting changed | |
Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error out feasibility, but I keep getting stuck on setting up the persistence.xml on JBoss 6 AS. Here is my setup ... to Start : name=persistence.unit:unitName=test.war#testUnit state=Create: java.lang.RuntimeException ... drop it in the JBoss's deploy directory, start JBoss ( run ) and open the browser at http | |
Embedding ObjectDB on server application already? Just started trying out ObjectDB so sorry if I didn't read the documents carefully enough!   ... ? Still getting this: Message: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named objectdb:$objectdb/test.odb ... if ObjectDB is unable to create a file at the requested directory? Here's the stack trace: ( starting | |
Using the wrong class to access a database Hello, just starting to test ObjectDB and ran into a problem. I've created a small program to test the Point database described in the Getting Started section: package com.objectdb.tutorial ... the queries? - why the db is getting messed up with the third query - even if the class is wrong | |
Activated ObjectDB still throws "Too many persistable types" to find out whether a started ObjectDB server is activated, without having to resort to an actual ... for that machine. Is there any way to find out whether a started ObjectDB server is activated, without having ... keep getting the same activation code. I tried it out with 2.4.4_02 and 2.4.4_05 and I get the same error | |
OEM Enhancer causing Jenkins job to freeze we started to encounter situation, where this job's execution gets stuck for ever on Jenkins. This is causing ... for enhancer? To see where exactly it gets stuck during it's execution? Also, our Jenkins machine ... when you start your application (since it may happen every time that this class is loaded | |
Query problem after transaction commit [Remarks] 01 Test_Connection: connecting 02 Test_Connection: connected 03 UI: start query [query ... 05 code= %, desc= % 06 UI: end query 07 UI: start printing result 08 code= A, desc= Good ... printing result 12 Goods creation: D created [create Goods D successfully] 13 UI: start query [query | |
Unexpected NoSuchFieldError exception) java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: __odbTracker 3) Attempt to start a transaction ... above: transaction is active. So, for some reason, I'm getting these 3 errors repeatedly. David   ... at app.AuServerRedis$_ start _heartbeat_closure2.doCall | |
Replication issue, Replayer failing due to NullPointerException. I'm getting replication errors and upon trying to play the replayer I get a NullPointerException ... too much else useful in the log, i've tried deleting all the DB files on both sides, starting a clean ... on from the start . It's worth noting that some of the databases may be totally empty(no objects | |
Query perfromance problem, but trust me - when debugging application, getting data from ODB takes a long time in one case. Anyway, one of my methods in DAO looks like this: public List list(int start , int count, String sortColumn, boolean isAscending) { logger.debug("Method start ."); List prodList = null;   | |
Duplicate Entity class names causes Exception in Query ... I took that out immediately I started getting them problem... There are also NO duplicate ... well I am getting the class not found error again ( I have removed the 2nd mode project and duplicate | |
Updating Entities in Manage Paygrades are displayed. This means something either happens when my application starts or ... - but I have no idea how to update both EntityManagers without getting this error :/ DragonRulerX ... to see if you have any other suggestions - either way I have something that gets the job done for now | |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Hi, I've been getting the following exception when trying to query ObjectDB in server mode version ... And it seems like this exception starts to show up after the DB ... and am now getting a similar error: [ObjectDB 2.3.4_05] Unexpected exception (Error 990)   | |
Externalising persistence.xml properties in Glassfish?;but you should easily be able to find the start up script. This is the same place where heap size ect gets set.   ... it so easy to progress quickly without getting bogged down without relational considerations (e.g | |
Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active; I don't know why am I getting this.. Thank you very much! adibe Adi Be Apparently the transaction is started automatically by the application server, and as the error message states, you are trying to the start a transaction that is already active. Try commenting the begin and commit commands | |
Deadlock in objectdb code Running multi-threaded access to an embedded database using JDO, I'm getting a deadlock in ... in the code. Is there a convenient way to introduce classes to objectdb at the start of a run ... at the start of a run, so they aren't first encountered later? You can introduce a class by:   | |
Activation Issue the jar, and everything was happy. (this was with 2.3.7). However after a reboot I'm now getting ... the objectdb server, and then started tomcat, with tomcat throwing the eval license exception ... starts with no errors - your configuration file is not used and probably misplaced. support Support | |
Server out of memory exceptions I've started to get memory exceptions on objectdb instances running as a server. The objectdb log ... to something which is different in server mode - connection management seemed like a good place to start ... also started to get oom exceptions in an embedded database: [ObjectDB 2.2.8] javax.persistence | |
CriteriaBuilder.substring(x,from,len) - JPA Method ) Create an expression for substring extraction. Extracts a substring of given length starting at the specified position. First position is 1. Parameters: x - string expression from - start position | |
CriteriaBuilder.substring(x,from) - JPA Method extraction. Extracts a substring starting at the specified position through to end of the string. First position is 1. Parameters: x - string expression from - start position expression Return: expression corresponding to substring extraction Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.substring(x,from) - JPA Method. Extracts a substring starting at the specified position through to end of the string. First position is 1. Parameters: x - string expression from - start position Return: expression corresponding to substring extraction Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.substring(x,from,len) - JPA Method an expression for substring extraction. Extracts a substring of given length starting at the specified position. First position is 1. Parameters: x - string expression from - start position len - length Return | |
Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct)). Because it gets pulled more than once during the various JSF phases the output is quite copius ... for relationships ? Then I will eat my hat. Are you seriously suggested that after getting the query ... to happen in Object DB when neither LAZY nor EAGER are given ? For I am getting a 3rd result that I | |
Server crash - Mismatch client-server protocol prefix;Once the server gets in this state, it is unresponsive to bin/ restart; I have had to reboot ... (which fortunately gets auto-mailed to me): [ObjectDB 2.5.2] javax.persistence.PersistenceException ... that both issues started now? Maybe the other issue is the cause of this server problem? Maybe | |
Querying error - java.lang.ClassCastException: com.objectdb.o.STV I'm getting the ClassCastException below when querying objects. As yet I haven't been able ... on attempts to recreate - but presumably at some point an object gets saved which objectdb doesn't like. Any ... ) and either start with a clean database or fix this database by running the Doctor in repair mode | |
again merger missing logs + objectdb exception. With no ability to reproduce the problem (yet) progress is slow, but we are getting closer and hope ... . Meanwhile, have you fixed the database using the Doctor and started the system again successfully? support ... ] Server on port 3333 has started by 13072@wzbhb101 [2017-10-05 12:25:26 #3 *] [ObjectDB 2.7.1_01 | |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException to the "processing cache", increasing it to 256mb may result in getting these exception less often, and on the other hand, decreasing it to 8mb may result in getting these exception ... ) at and later after new start : [2013 | |
each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other Zwicker Did the issue start at 7:03? The first thread dump seems different from ... at the ObjectDB level. There is a query cache of course, but it is useful for getting query results quickly ... ; - None hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker please have a look at that, the situation is getting pretty | |
InternalException - error reading field from "queue" database I trying to use an objectdb database as a persitent queue but have started getting the following error on the receiver side: 2011-07-25 10:54:25,023 AdminServer-Callback-Instance-2/0 ERROR ... .RuntimeException: Error getting message from data at rbccm.felix.objectdb.messaging.ObjectDbMessagePipe | |
objectdb-2.6.9_06: Extended Persistence Context fails: 'Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active'.doStartup( at org.glassfish.ejb.startup.EjbApplication. start ( at start ( at start ( at | |
javax.jdo.Query ". The field must be declared in the candidate class or must be a navigation expression starting with a field ... algorithm is done at the data store. Parameters: fromIncl - 0-based inclusive start index toExcl - 0 | |
PersistenceManagerFactory.getName() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory String getName () Gets the name of this PersistenceManagerFactory. Return: the name of this PMF Since: JDO 2.1 | |
PersistenceManagerFactory.getPersistenceUnitName() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory String getPersistenceUnitName () Gets the PersistenceUnitName for this PersistenceManagerFactory. Return: the PersistenceUnitName See Also: setPersistenceUnitName Since: JDO 2.1 | |
PersistenceManagerFactory.getCopyOnAttach() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory boolean getCopyOnAttach () Gets the default copyOnAttach setting for all PersistenceManager instances obtained from this factory. Return: the copyOnAttach setting. See Also: setCopyOnAttach Since: JDO 2.1 | |
PersistenceManagerFactory.getDetachAllOnCommit() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory boolean getDetachAllOnCommit () Gets the detachAllOnCommit setting. Return: the default detachAllOnCommit setting. See Also: setDetachAllOnCommit Since: JDO 2.0 | |
javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermission) normally unavailable would be accessible to malicious code. getMetadata This allows getting | |
PersistenceManagerFactory.getReadOnly() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory boolean getReadOnly () Gets the value for read-only for this PMF. Indicates whether the datastore is read-only or writable. Return: the readOnly setting. See Also: setReadOnly Since: JDO 2.2 | |
PersistenceManager.getCopyOnAttach() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager boolean getCopyOnAttach () Gets the copyOnAttach setting. Return: the copyOnAttach setting. See Also: setCopyOnAttach Since: JDO 2.1 | |
PersistenceManager.getDetachAllOnCommit() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager boolean getDetachAllOnCommit () Gets the detachAllOnCommit setting. Return: the detachAllOnCommit setting. See Also: setDetachAllOnCommit Since: JDO 2.0 | |
RegisterClassListener.registerClass(event) - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.RegisterClassListener void registerClass ( RegisterClassEvent event ) This method gets called when a persistence-capable class is registered. Parameters: event - a RegisterClassEvent instance describing the registered class plus metadata. Since: JDO 1.0 | |
javax.jdo.spi.RegisterClassEvent JDO Class RegisterClassEvent java.lang.Object ∟ java.util.EventObject ∟ javax.jdo.spi.RegisterClassEvent A RegisterClassEvent event gets delivered whenever a persistence-capable class registers itself with the JDOImplHelper . Since: JDO 1.0 Public Constructors RegisterClassEvent | |
PersistenceManagerFactory.getServerTimeZoneID() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory String getServerTimeZoneID () Gets the TimeZone ID of the server associated with this PersistenceManagerFactory. If not set, assume that the server has the same TimeZone ID as the client. Return: the TimeZone of the server See Also: setServerTimeZoneID Since: JDO 2.1 | |
PersistenceManagerFactory.getTransactionType() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory String getTransactionType () Gets the TransactionType for this PersistenceManagerFactory. Return: the TransactionType See Also: setTransactionType Since: JDO 2.1 |