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Connecting to a remote objectdb server

I am trying to configure my application in a client-server objectdb setup via tcp/ip. So I first made sure that the remote objectdb server is running using telnet from my local.  $ telnet 6136 (worked fine, is able to connect...) My db

Composite Index error 328

@Column(name = "last_ip") public String getLastIp() { return lastIp; } public

Server connection management

name that it is connected to Client username and IP address

Many connections possible? and will it makes problem in future?

practical factors such as thread numbers (depending on your operating system) and TCP/IP ports

connect with server

is my server IP   eng.ahmed ahmed Just

WAN replication ? possible?

/replication">these instructions and replace localhost with real IP

How to disable use of graphic windows by objectDB

, is there any way to specify a ip address, where is the server? And if to use always the getLocalHost

unable to connect to remote server using VPN

;         <user username="$default" password="$$$###" ip="

Login Error (bad username 'admin' or password)

when you access localhost but using its current IP address? > I checked, and both client

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

;/server> <users> <user username="xxx" password="xxx" ip="xxxxxx,xxxxxx" admin="true