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ObjectDB JDBC to Object compiler

Hello , some products developed by JDBC , So we cannot use ObjectDB. My idea is , you can make JDBC To ObjectDB wizard compiler or something like this.   It dedects strings and combinations like

Embedded List

Why does this NamedQuery only work sometimes? @NamedQuery(name = "ItemDB.getPartial", query = "SELECT i FROM com.model.ItemDB i JOIN i.lstSupplier s WHERE s.strSupNumber LIKE ?1 ... FROM com.model.ItemDB i LEFT JOIN i.lstSupplier s WHERE s.strSupNumber LIKE '%5785483%'"  , ItemDB

listening on a particular IP aside localhost

where client is installed. I will like to have objectdb on machine A, while B,C, D can access the database in a using code like this     emf = Persistence

Duplicate Entity class names causes Exception in Query

different PUs. This works fine with one JPA Provider like Eclipselink, but with ObjectDb as well I ... names ). The error goes away when I use qualified names, but Eclipselink does not like qualified

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named in Karaf 4.0.7 and OSGi DS test

and use it like any other OSGi bundle. Many thanks in advance for your precious feedback, like a plan. Regards, Alex alexweirig Alex Weirig

InternalError on query of empty database

. Is it possible to throw something that identifies that that is the issue, say something like ... to be a JPA exception, maybe something like javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException?

joining of tables

, house_no; the third table will be like. emp_add: e_id, add_id i am using annotation like: in Employee class:

Immediately retrieve unique id

The beginning of my "Sample" class looks like: @Entity @SequenceGenerator(name = "sampleSeqGenerator", initialValue = 1, allocationSize = 100) public ... browse the database: 1,2,3,4 etc. I would like the field sampleName to be: SPL1, SPL2, SPL3

problem with lazy loading - unittest project attached

for each repository method, so i guess after the commit the id is assigned?! like i said, this is properbly not the best way to test it, it's more like an integration test. i try

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush

. Looking at the database in explorer it looks like some of the "WorkflowInstance" objects have failed ... than 2k and is likely to be in MB. The second exception is a cleanup response to the first