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Listing large number of complicated objects with paging.

is, that running code that looks like this: TypedQuery<Product> icQuery = em ... like this: [2011-11-15 19:30:59 #269 query.manager] < ... . The funny thing is that in log from query manager fetchSize is like all objects in database:

Is it ok to put list or map of embeddable objects in entity ?

like : entA.setBList(new ArrayList<Class_B>()) like that @Entity public class EntityA implements ... is - when i remove EntityA instance I would like to have removed all EntityB classes

Several parallel threads to speed up query on one DB

>The current bottleneck is the producer from DB (based on a query) and I would like to speed it I don't get much benefit from doing that.  I profiled the application - and it looks like there are some benefits - i.e. each query in a thread is running

SelfTest and com.objectdb.Doctor

. Nevertheless we would like to ask for an 'extra' feature. The class 'com.objectdb.Doctor' enables a self-test for a given Database. We would like to make a self-test before every start of the database (i.e. the server). In case of fails or errors we would like to repair the database

Configure ObjectDB in spring context

I have a application that initializes with spring, now I'd like to change my data ... -context.xml) look like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8 ... something like this... @Configuration @PropertySources( value

Connecting to a remote objectdb server

> On my application, I had configured my persistence unit like below. like below...  <property name ... url configured like: <data path="$objectdb/db" /> Thoughts?

How to access database object to my application.

Hi, I want to access a object which contains some value like id,name,college ... am trying to access that object it only access some address of object not the data. Like This (nextpack ... my GetterSetter class i am directly get my requirement but my question is without using tostring method. like

Beginners questions

> 1.2. Is ObjectDB on the same level like Hibernate with only difference that Hibernate ... I created a class named EBResult which looks like this: 3.2. Both POJO-s extend my own class "Pojo.class" which looks like this:

Unexpected Query Token / Casting in Query

.routingNumber) LIKE UPPER('%28%') results in the error LIKE ... like I've again initially thought ;) thanks!! Alex quasado Alexander

combined index not used

we have a query like this: SELECT a.endDate,a.objectsInCharge.nodePath, FROM Action a WHERE a.type = 0 ... > Would you like to try repeating Doctor + Stat on it and send the result? Or better