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Dirty checking

> another question: Ideally I'd like to capture all objects that were changed after a commit, i.e ... transaction could fail. i.e: I'd really like to know after a commit what objects changed in ... of objects, I'd like to know all the objects that changed and commited, so that I can generate view

JPA CriteriaQuery -- Iterate Expression>

can contain many Record objects. I would like to update my query below to include a similar 'like ... .class); //pseudo code(i think i need something like this here) Predicate myPred = for all records (any record.FIELD LIKE searchString) Path<Integer> status = root.get("status

ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

;3823 are opened sockets. I am supposing, that it is because of some mistake, so I would like ... it yourself, if it does not behave like this also for You. For me it's sufficient to just start the server ... system resources like sockets. Our app is also using SSL connections and I never saw there unused

Java 9 support

> So, an ObjectDB modular JAR likely would not need "transitive", would not "export ... would likely either remove that dependency, or provide some correct module dependency directives ... yet with 100% compatibility.  Now I just wait for third parties (like ObjectDB) to provide a fully

JPQL keyword in entity - what to do?

one of the fields. It's a 'type' field. When I try to build a query that looks for example like ... like from, group and so on in my entities? lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski It seems as ... > when using query like this: TypedQuery<ResultData> q = em

enumeration table? how to on pure jpa?

and values for global application configs. Like; tablename ... all those easiest way ? Like this: @Entity @Table(name="enumerations") public class Enumerations { //Field binding possible like

notLike(x, pattern, escapeChar)

"> Returns: not-like predicate

notLike(x, pattern, escapeChar)

> Returns: not-like predicate

Blocked by find

seems to have got stuck somewhere in the find. The thread dump looks like: A dump from one of the blocked threads looks like: like:


so that a subsequent commit is more likely to succeed. Outside a transaction, this method