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Query problem after transaction commit

where u._code like :code AND u._desc like :desc  05> code= %, desc= % 06> UI ... ._code like :code AND u._desc like :desc  15> code= D, desc= Good D 16> UI: end ... ._code like :code AND u._desc like :desc  22> code= %, desc= % 23> UI: end query

Problems down-casting in WHERE clause

I have a family of related types, like this: @Entity ... ;The query I'm using looks somewhat like this: SELECT b FROM Base b WHERE b.val1 LIKE :search OR b.val2 LIKE :search OR TYPE(b) = Derived1 AND ((Derived1)b).val3 LIKE

ObjectDB Website - Terms and Conditions of Use

. Further, ObjectDB Software does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely

Issue with UPPER ?

IS NOT NULL) AND ($4 IS NOT NULL) AND ($ IS NOT NULL) AND ($ LIKE '%81%')) OR (($5 IS NOT NULL) AND ($5.postalCode IS NOT NULL) AND ($5.postalCode LIKE '%81%')) OR (($5 IS NOT NULL) AND ($5.streetNumber IS NOT NULL) AND ($5.streetNumber LIKE '%81%')) OR (($6 IS NOT NULL) AND ($6.cellphone

Different behavior for two equal queries

.IndividualContact $1 WHERE (($ LIKE '%Q%')) This correctly returns one entry ... .contact.individual.IndividualContact $1 WHERE (($ LIKE '%Q%') OR ($ LIKE '%Q%') OR ($1.postalAddresses.deliveryPoint.deliveryPointLocation

OutOfMemoryError in a query with many variables

.IndividualContact $1 WHERE (($ LIKE '%Q%') OR ($ LIKE '%Q%') OR ($ LIKE '%Q%') OR ($1.communication.cellphone LIKE '%Q%') OR ($ LIKE '%Q%') OR ($1.job LIKE '%Q%') OR

unclear syntax for update query

where a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "/(PR)W4455NS01%" and a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "%MARAS%"like "/(PR)W4455NS01%" and a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "%MARAS%"   Update Action a Set a.transferred = 0 where a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "/(PR

Update query null error

"> Update Action a Set a.transferred = 0 where a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "/(PR)W4455NS01%" and a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "%MARAS%" or Update Action Set transferred = 0 here objectsInCharge.nodePath like "/(PR)W4455NS01%" and objectsInCharge

Best practise loading big data

transaction). But this does not sound like a nice solution. We tried to detach the MyValue object ... . Every MyStep contains a list of 2 MyValue objects. Then we do something like this We would like to know if - we do something wrong


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