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like operator (String)

: select i from User i where i.status = :status and (UPPER( like :value) Now ... " ObjectDB will find the example user. The like statment operates like "test%"  EclispeLink/OpenJPA/HibernateJPA handles the like stament like an exact search '='. This JPA impls returns an empty

Help: After upgrading from 2.2.8_02 to 2.2.8_04, can't perform LIKE query

03) - my LIKE queries have stopped working during a regression test. As an example output: Query: SELECT $1 FROM Company $1 WHERE ((($1.companyId LIKE :p1) AND ($1 ... it. support Support    This release carries out the grouping and likes correctly.   Thanks!   Willks William

Query in Spring Data error Like for Integer records

Hi!, Does anyone know how I can use this type of Query with Like and that does not give an error when you search in an Integer type field? I have been forced to change the "CodigoTienda ... Bonilla Interesting question. LIKE is a query operator for strings not for numbers, and apparently

Like fails if both underscore and percent are used

When using a like query that has both _ and % in it, ObjectDB seems to fail. Here is a unit test to demonstrate:   import org.junit.*; import javax ... final String queryString = "SELECT holder FROM StringHolder holder WHERE holder.content LIKE :filter

Does ObjectDB has a similar feature like Oracle Database Change Notification ?

Hi, I am evaluating ObjectDB because its JPA/JDO features, I am wondering is there a similar feature like Oracle Database Change Notification( ), with which multiple application servers can get notified

Can you implement fastest Native JPA for MySQL by ClusterJ like?

Can you implement fastest Native JPA for MySQL by ClusterJ like?

Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries

> LIKE - String Pattern Matching with Wildcards The [NOT] LIKE operator checks ... a parameter or literal). For example: LIKE '_r%' is LIKE '%' is always TRUE (for any value

ObjectDB Object Database Features

, EclipseLink, OpenJPA, JPOX or DataNucleus could start using ObjectDB immediately. SQL-like ... like syntax. JDOQL - Java Data Objects (JDO) Query Language - Java/SQL like syntax. Query Definition

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

that represent database objects (like list in this example) are called persistent objectslike a new ArrayList that becomes persistent in line 25), and modified persistent objects (like a retrieved ArrayList, which is modified in

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

. When a more selective retrieval is needed, JDOQL (JDO Query Language) is used. JDOQL for JDO is like SQL ... , which is a boolean expression in a Java like syntax The query result is a subset of objects from ... instance and managed like any ordinary Java collection. For example, the number of retrieved