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Problems down-casting in WHERE clause

I have a family of related types, like this: @Entity class Base { String val1; String val2 ... string within any of their String-typed fields.  The query I'm using looks somewhat like this: SELECT b FROM Base b WHERE b.val1 LIKE :search OR b.val2 LIKE :search OR TYPE(b) = Derived1

Dirty checking

: Ideally I'd like to capture all objects that were changed after a commit, i.e: after the transaction ... really like to know after a commit what objects changed in the prior commit. in other words a 'post ... a graph of objects, I'd like to know all the objects that changed and commited, so that I can generate

JPA CriteriaQuery -- Iterate Expression>

objects. I would like to update my query below to include a similar ' like ' pattern match for each ... .class); //pseudo code(i think i need something like this here) Predicate myPred = for all records (any record.FIELD LIKE searchString) Path status = root.get("status"); criteriaQuery.where( builder.or

ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

. I am supposing, that it is because of some mistake, so I would like from you to help me diagnose ... behave like this also for You. For me it's sufficient to just start the server and leave it running ... like sockets. Our app is also using SSL connections and I never saw there unused sockets like

JPQL keyword in entity - what to do?

. It's a 'type' field. When I try to build a query that looks for example like this: select new ResultData(p ... name? Or do I have to change this field name and remember no to use words like from, group ... .jar:na] at ~[na:1.6.0_23] when using query like

enumeration table? how to on pure jpa?

application configs. Like ; tablename : enumeration table rows: key       ... ? Like this: @Entity @Table(name="enumerations") public class Enumerations { //Field binding possible like below ? @Column(field="servername") private String serverName; @Column(field="username

multiple different applications access one odb file

Hi, is it possible to access one odb file from different applications? What we would like ... would like to use our APP but he asks how the data from the DB can be used to fill its DWH ... Web Services within the APP but he would like to do some integration directly) Does anybody

Updating Entities

and have it affect employeeDB - so I'm likely doing it wrong. I'll try to construct a single class file ... may try pursuing that further if absolutely necessary, but I'd like to inquire further on your statement ... and still read those changes? If UPDATE queries don't seem like a valid solution then I'm still likely

evictAll() behavior

is more like a session cache? andrewmcveigh Andrew McVeigh The L1 cache is per EntityManager ... can imagine that after flush method it could be problematic so i did sth like this   ... is the same like before evictAll() mth and i in the result i get OutOfMemory How I can check size od

Explorer in 2.3

field. I would like to enter SHA1.hash("mypassword");  You might use beanshell for the expression ... the maximum number of records 'N' (default to some small number like 10) to display ... , but they may contain collections (explicit or derived) with a large number of elements. Again, most likely I'm

ObjectDB embeddable Springboot

Hi I have not seen, cursory search was not informative, if odb can be embedded like derby.  ... to examine the schema?  tia lamininid Laminin if odb can be embedded like derby. Yes. ObjectDB has a client-server mode ( like MySQL), but also an embedded mode ( like Derby). See this page .  

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

might stand for something like "Page Access Group element". So, I eventually derive at the conclusion ... like the following.) private static final StoreLifecycleListener storeLifecycleListener = new ... ; Looks like the uploaded attachment actually succeeded though.  "UploadFailure.png

Order in WHERE Clause affects behaviour on DATE/DATETIME columns

= JPA.em().createQuery("SELECT m FROM MyClass m WHERE m.myDate LIKE :query OR m.myText LIKE :query ... ().createQuery("SELECT m FROM MyClass m WHERE m.myText LIKE :query OR m.myDate LIKE :query"); q.setParameter

Multi selection and distinct in a criteria query

hi, How can I realize multi selection with the criteria api concerning distinct? I.e. doing something like SELECT DISTINCT $1, $2 wouldn't work because I do only have something like criteria.multiselect(...) and nothing like builder.distinct(selection) so that I could do something like criteria

How to Remove records from many to many relationship tables in JPA

have Relation tables    TransportationEvent  and Conclusion  , relations like @Entity ... = new ArrayList (); .... } here in database i have got another two table like Conclusion ... to delete conclusion table records like bellow: removeConclusions(conclusion.getId()); public void

Catching exceptions from online backup

we would like } ) ; // Wait until the backup is completed. try {     backupThread ... 'a', like u can see on the attached screen. So my suggestion is that You could either make this field ... would be nice solution for us. jakab Gergely Jakab Please check build 2.8.9_02 with something like :  

java.sql.Date equals comparison not working with CriteriaAPI

value doesn't match any results in the database. Our code looks like this: CriteriaBuilder builder ... of the created predicate yields in something like : $1.eintritt=2013-11-01 whereas as seen in my manual query string i do something like : $1.eintritt = {d '2013-11-01'} Any ideas why this might be the case? Note

slow performance for a complex query

Hi, We have a query that is constructed dynamically, an example is like this: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM CDI $1, Organisation $2, Organisation $3 WHERE ((UPPER($1.cdiId) LIKE 'THREAD14%') AND ((($1 ... ObjectDB. Is there any other way to specify execution order of query components for a complex query like

Spring MVC Errors

.com/tbIsj.png (old link) and then when I try to start it anyways I get things like thaat: 2. https ... ok, it works but I still have the error from picture 1. It works, on server like it should but in eclipse I still have a error like this:   Description Resource Path Location Type Plugin

Query to search for common elements in two separate collections.

for identical members. Something like : SELECT o FROM Object o WHERE o.someCollection CONTAINS MEMBER OF :someCollection Is something like this possible in the JPA spec? bensteele Ben Steele A possible ... Support Sounds like you are suggesting a solution to matching the entire contents of a collection

How to store and compare Date up to sec.

How to store and compare date up to sec? By default it stores the dates like "23 May, 2020 10 ... May, 2020 10:25:23 AM") like MySql and other db. They stores the date up to sec. Manoj Manoj ... . You can reset date part as you like , before the object is stored in the database. e.g. https://stackoverflow

Listing large number of complicated objects with paging.

them with paging. The problem is, that running code that looks like this: TypedQuery icQuery = em.em.createQuery ... pl.hplxtool.dao.impl.ProductDAOImpl - Returning data Query manager builds plan like this: [2011-11 ... at a time. The funny thing is that in log from query manager fetchSize is like all objects in

Is it ok to put list or map of embeddable objects in entity ?

instance of embeddable class in entity. And what happens if I do operation like : entA.setBList(new ... have another question though. I have entity EntityA like that @Entity public class EntityA implements Serializable ... another simple entity.   My problem is - when i remove EntityA instance I would like

Several parallel threads to speed up query on one DB

is the producer from DB (based on a query) and I would like to speed it up. I have tried using several entity managers (same DB instance) to benefit from the parallelisation - but it looks like I don't get much benefit from doing that.  I profiled the application - and it looks like there are some benefits

SelfTest and com.objectdb.Doctor

Dear Objectdb-Team We're really pleased with objectdb. Nevertheless we would like to ask ... . We would like to make a self-test before every start of the database (i.e. the server). In case of fails or errors we would like to repair the database and/or inform the customer. So it would be very helpful

Configure ObjectDB in spring context

I have a application that initializes with spring, now I'd like to change my data access tier ... ) look like this org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect thread 10 true false false create-drop I need ... something like this... @Configuration @PropertySources( value = { @PropertySource("classpath:properties

Connecting to a remote objectdb server

, I had configured my persistence unit like below.      com.objectdb.jpa.Provider ... . That means our app is not connected to db server even if I had configured our client app like ... - when objectdb on localhost The objectdb.conf server data url configured like : Thoughts?  

How to access database object to my application.

Hi, I want to access a object which contains some value like id,name,college and address ... some address of object not the data. Like This (nextpack.InsertionClass@5c7fa833 ... but my question is without using tostring method. like a independent object and database. Thank you. Bimal

Beginners questions

)? 1.2. Is ObjectDB on the same level like Hibernate with only difference that Hibernate stores ... which looks like this: @Entity(name="RESULT") public class EBResult extends Pojo implements ... " which looks like this: public class Pojo { private transient boolean changed=false; public boolean

No clue how to query with collection

Hi there! Actually, what I have is something like : @Embedable class Address {     ... with a concatenated value of street + streetNo (if not null). So I want something like this: SELECT c, a FROM Customer ... itself... Alex quasado Alexander Adam Maybe something like : SELECT c, a FROM Customer LEFT JOIN c.addresses

Get the last occurence of a list attribut

working on a query that return all the last "PULabel" of every RO object. I have written someting like ... .persistenceId ASC But it's look like it's not a correct query, the compiler does not like the parentheses

Group by date / time

. Each entity has it's own field that holds java.lang.Date. There is no function like YEAR(), MONTH() or DAY() in ODB. So, how to build queries similar to something like this: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM stats ... something like this: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM stats WHERE YEAR(record_date) = 2009 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(record_date

How to define database structure and insert some initial objects from scratch

need initial structure like tables, but how can we populate some "tables" with initial data from a script ? In SQL world we have scripts like "insert into..." - Can we use main objectdb.jar library as jdbc driver for ETL software like Kettle? How about migrating data from another database

EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior

Hi, I have an issue with the EntityManager. My persistance XML looks like : com.objectdb.jpa ... .4_03). I had to load them manually in the transaction due to lack of time but would like ... the second junit test, you will see heaps of calls like : AttributeName EQUALS method called

composite index not used in query

objectsInCharge = new ArrayList (); on running a query like select count(a) from Action a JOIN ... = 1) and (a.objectsInCharge.objectNameUpper like '%CAM%')   Query Plan Description ... retaining only results that satisfy: like (v$1.objectNameUpper,'%CAM%'). Step 3: Apply selection

Duplicate a table

Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to copy the content of a table representing one class of object to another table whithout having to use java object (no object instantiation) ? In fact, I would like to execute a native query like "select * into T0 from T1" My purpose is to backup

Embedding ObjectDB on server application

like a classpath issue. Maybe objectdb.jar is available only in compilation and not at runtime ... somehow. I came up with a workaround and it's now working! Thanks :) Flying Banana Jiacong Xu It seems like ... an external Jar to my Project. Eclipse does not show any errors and it looks like it finds all classes

@Convert is not supported?

; I've wrote a test on this, and seems that my Converters methods are not executed at all ( like ... object whenever it is instantiated... Like concrete example is @Entity Currency, there are 100s ... me know.  This will actually help me avoid lot of useless code in the future, so I'd like

JBoss 7.1 and EAP 6 support

version by RedHat which is based on 7.1, has been released recently. I would really like to use ... this version of JBoss? I would also like to ask when but I know timeframes are not really known in advance ... product that runs rings around the competition and I would like to use your product. Thank

How Should I Configure objectdb.conf to Obtain 256KB Disk IO Requests and Maximize Shared PersistenceManager Entity Cache?

of arbitrary objects ( like key-value store)? CBE CBE Does ObjectDB access the datafile in page-sized IO ... ; Entire persisted entity objects?   Fields of arbitrary objects ( like key-value store ... persisted entity objects?   Fields of arbitrary objects ( like key-value store)? Pages as byte

Unexpected exception during open the database

of it and a few other things that would otherise cause serious issues. At the same time, it looks like adding ... for the exact stack traces in the log file? The stack trace at #16 above is likely to appear ... a lot of things but can't solve the issue. As a result, we would like to follow your other suggestion

Update query null error

where a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "/(PR)W4455NS01%" and a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "%MARAS%" or Update Action Set transferred = 0 here objectsInCharge.nodePath like "/(PR)W4455NS01%" and objectsInCharge.nodePath like "%MARAS%" both result in: Query Execution Error ===================== null Query

Issue with UPPER ?

that satisfy:   or(and( like ($,'%81%'),($!=null),($6!=null)),and( like ($6.fax,'%81%'),($6.fax!=null),($6!=null)),and( like ($3.firstName,'%81%'),($3.firstName!=null),($3!=null)),and( like ($,'%81%'),($!=null),($6!=null)),and( like ($3.lastName,'%81%'),($3.lastName!=null),($3!=null

Best practise loading big data

to commit and open a new transaction). But this does not sound like a nice solution. We tried to detach ... MyStep objects. Every MyStep contains a list of 2 MyValue objects. Then we do something like ... a solution for this serious issue. We would like to know if - we do something wrong and should change

Blocked by find

somewhere in the find. The thread dump looks like : Name: DEV1-WSAgent-1-Existing/3 State: RUNNABLE Total ... .java:662) A dump from one of the blocked threads looks like : Name: DEV1-WSAgent-1-Existing/4 State ... which made it into the wrapper looks like : Name: uatsrtlonw342-WSAgent-1-New/4 State: BLOCKED on com.objectdb.o.LKM

Internal Exception

.paymentTerm $3 LEFT JOIN $1.receiver $4 WHERE ((((($2 IS NOT NULL) AND (UPPER($2.isoCode) LIKE UPPER('%Meier%'))) OR (($3 IS NOT NULL) AND (UPPER($3.description) LIKE UPPER('%Meier%'))) OR (UPPER($1.number) LIKE UPPER('%Meier%')) OR (($4 IS NOT NULL) AND (UPPER($ LIKE UPPER('%Meier%'))) OR

ArrayIndexOutOfBounds with Critera API and function call

. What we have is something like (pseudo code) class TestEntity { public Integer getAge() { return 100 ... .jar:1.6.0_37] The expression is created like mentioned in the initial issue so the method is there. The only thing is that we're having an inheritance hierarchy like class TestEntity_1 { public

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

, run for like 10min and then I have to repair again. There seems to be a bug which corrupts ... Support Hello, yes. I repaired the database using the Doctor. Then running the application for like 5 ... ObjectDB 2.7.0_03. Recovery is enabled like stated above but the database gets corrupted

query.getResultList() throws ClassCastException

I modified the example code to include an index on the Point class like so:     ... , to see how that affects things.  The full object is likely to be our common use case ... " on JDK 6, so hopefully that's good enough.  I need to look into it more. I'd like to look closer

Server out of memory exceptions

-Xms512m -Xmx1g. I have scope to increase these limits but would like to get an understanding ... more then it sounds like the threads are not exiting and this is a problem with the test. I'll check ... to something which is different in server mode - connection management seemed like a good place to start