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How to apply Unique constraints on embedded fields?

in class A. Something like: @Entity ... you its working. but my requirement is something like this @Entity

Automatic schema evolution causes ArrayOutOfBoundsException

Hi, I did 2 modification to our schema. Our schema looked like this: class Entity - List<String> permissions ... from ServiceProvider and removed the duplicated name field, the schema now looks like this:

Search through collection for value using index

I have an entity that contains a java collection of a Long id of user entities that can modify it (many users can modify it).  I would like to be able to search for all entities that can be modified by a paticular user, since I will do this query often I would like to index

JPA Query language support in OBjectDB / Sub query or nested Query

>It looks like a problem with Sub query or nested queries where I am using IN clause like below.

Should I use ObjectDB and JDO?

have a few concerns.   It looks like JDO is the preferred API ... ; It looks like JDO is the preferred API for me (because ObjectDB FAQs lead me to believe

how explorer queries work

would tell the entity manager that they're entities. (obviously the explorer must be doing something like ... > throws an exception like this: java.lang.reflect

Entity factory

Hi, is it possible to create Entities with a custom factory? I want to create Entity instances via dependency injection like: @Entiy public ... and add this listener via API call to ObjectDB (like . Is it possible to implement

Object explorer cannot open odb file. ObjectDB many-to-many relationship

for objectDB? I'd like to implement a many-to-many relationship so that User and Project ... object from User object and Underlying object (but not through theirs keys). I'd like

Exception makes the system unusable for several minutes

that refreshing them causes the exception? support Support from messages like these in the log: hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker It is very likely, according to the stack traces and your answers

log entry and massive performance issues

put the database to our extranet and inform about), the ObjectNode.nodepath is like '/(EL)ANYNAME/(EX)F ... problem using this database? You wrote: > the ObjectNode.nodepath is like