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Objectdb server out of heap space

a situation where it runs out of memory like this.  This could be a serious problem for out deployment ... out of memory like this. Servers that run on Java JVM, such as the ObjectDB server

Insert time increases as db grows.

Hello, I've just installed ObjectDB and done some tests. I'm inserting 22k of records like 10k iterations of 22 linked entites. I've got indexes on Long id on every entity ... I've just set enhancer as javaagent and everything worked like a charm: the execution time

Eclipse4 RCP - No Persistence provider for EntityManager

included and all works like a charm. paddy Patrick Gerhardt ObjectDB runs fine now with JPA ... > support Support Thank you very much. I also created a Bundle Fragment and all works like a charm

@AttributeOverrides , and postgresql + own TYPE

with variables street,city,zip etc.  2.How should look like get and set method ... database forum is like asking for advice about meat recipes in a forum of vegetarian people

em.flush(); em.clear(); loosing data and not persisting managed objects

like files (1 file per table with one row per entry). These tables are the data from ... system (DRCS) like hg and git. But before that can begin I have to import these csv files into

java.lang.NullPointerException when using ORDER BY

scratch, but the problem persists. Finally, we tried queries like the following ... .startDateTime" we get the NullPointerException. Note that r.startDate is also a Date member like r

Web Framework Recommendation for leveraging JPA + ObjectDB

and affordability, it seems like a natural match to me. I have the following understanding: If I persist ... can easily switch to a true OODBMS like ObjectDB, for instance. Immediately the following

Insertion Speed Rate and Batch Load

1. I got about 10K inserts / second, is it normal? I would expect more than that, like close to 100K/second. I can definitely do 80K inserts/seconds on Oracle with batch insert on table ... .jar, I see no problem at all, the speed is about 150K/second. Seems like something is not

multiple LEFT JOINs do not work as expected

an example. The test query looks like this: SELECT DISTINCT ... ;please advise if this query is supposed to work like that? I'm running 2.3.4_05 version. Kind

each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other

Zwicker we how have compiled with the 02 version and the situation is like attachedlike 'CAM