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No clue how to query with collection

Hi there! Actually, what I have is something like: like this: quasado Alexander Adam Maybe something like: SELECT c

Get the last occurence of a list attribut

. I have written someting like this : SELECT s  FROM ReturnOrder rBut it's look like it's not a correct query, the compiler does not like the parentheses "(" 

Group by date / time

. There is no function like YEAR(), MONTH() or DAY() in ODB. So, how to build queries similar to something like ... GROUP BY YEAR(record_date), MONTH(record_date) or maybe something like this:

How to define database structure and insert some initial objects from scratch

is all about objects and probably doesn't need initial structure like tables, but how can we populate some "tables" with initial data from a script? In SQL world we have scripts like "insert into..." - Can we use main objectdb.jar library as jdbc driver for ETL software like

EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior

Hi, I have an issue with the EntityManager. My persistance XML looks like: like to get to the bottom of LAZY/EAGER loading ... junit test, you will see heaps of calls like: AttributeName EQUALS method called for <

composite index not used in query

;ObjectNode> objectsInCharge = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>(); on running a query like ... and a.type = 0 and a.subType = 1) and (a.objectsInCharge.objectNameUpper like '%CAM%')like(v$1

Duplicate a table

Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to copy the content of a table representing one class of object to another table whithout having to use java object (no object instantiation) ? In fact, I would like to execute a native query like "select * into T0

Embedding ObjectDB on server application

like a classpath issue. Maybe objectdb.jar is available only in compilation and not at runtime. Flying Banana Jiacong Xu It seems like I have a smiliar problem... I'm working with Eclipse ... errors and it looks like it finds all classes (autocomplete is working). But when I run the project I

Threaded Test - Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected internal exception

to recreate the exception using the new build so it looks like that is no longer a problem. However, in the real case I'd like the consumer to read from the "queue" database based on a priority and creation time. The query looks like: SELECT p FROM IdPoint p

ArrayIndexOutOfBounds with Critera API and function call

query with the criteria api. What we have is something like (pseudo code) The expression is created like mentioned in the initial issue so the method is there. The only thing is that we're having an inheritance hierarchy like