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notLike(x, pattern, escapeChar)

> Returns: not-like


WHERE LIKE :custName" ) The following is an example of the use of a named

notLike(x, pattern, escapeChar)

="returns"> Returns: not-like predicate

notLike(x, pattern, escapeChar)

="returns"> Returns: not-like predicate

notLike(x, pattern)

> Returns: not-like predicate


a detail message. Further, those subclasses that might likely have a cause associated

notLike(x, pattern, escapeChar)

"> Returns: not-like predicate

notLike(x, pattern)

> not-like predicate


so that a subsequent commit is more likely to succeed. Outside a transaction, this method will refresh


JDO JavaDoc Reference Documentation - PersistenceManager is the primary interface for JDO-aware application components.