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> in this API in order to work around the fact that Java generics are not compatible with varags.


was not applied to the query object. not been set for the query object, returns ... > IllegalStateException - if the query is found not to be a Java

JPA Lifecycle Events

>package and private) but should not be static. not call EntityMan­ager or Query methods and should not access any other entity

Storing JPA Entity Objects

/persist_Object">persist if the argument is not an instance of an entity class ... an entity class. In this case, the referenced Address instance is not stored in ... object that is not expected to be stored in the database at the end of that transaction.

Is ObjectDB better than competing object databases?

Naturally, this is not the place to look for an unbiased answer for this question ... do not support user defined primary keys, even though this is very useful in almost every application ... that an essential feature is missing. For example, some competing products do not support aggregate

Index Definition

-toc> Single Field Index JPA does not define a standard method for declaring ... can only be defined on ordinary persistent fields (not on primary key / version fields). not ordered

Auto Generated Values

>allocationSize attribute. It is possible that some of the IDs in a given allocation will not be used. Therefore, this strategy does not guarantee there will be no gaps in sequence values.not have tables, so the

Defining a JPA Entity Class

the database does not store methods and code. Only the persistent state of the entity object, as reflected by its persistent fields is stored. By default, any field that is not declared as ... primary key is not required. On the other hand, ObjectDB also supports explicit 

JPA Metamodel API

/getEmbeddables">getEmbeddables(); If managed classes are not listed in the not listed in the persistence unit and have not been used yet). In this case, calling the method


> cache with the datastore. This method has no effect if a transaction is not active. not required to do so. If an optimistic transaction is active, this method ... the closure of the instance persistent, the closure of the instance is not deleted from the data store