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CriteriaBuilder createCriteriaUpdate are not executing

Regards all!! CriteriaBuilder createCriteriaUpdate are not executing. CriteriaUpdate<Order> criteriaUpdate = cb ... > flavioreboucassantos Flávio Rebouças Santos This is a new feature of JPA 2.1 that is not implemented

The project does not contain a persistence unit

How do I fix this error/warning that Netbeans gives me regarding no persistence unit?   ThreaT Ashton Hogan ObjectDB itself does not require a persistence unit ... and cleaning and building? ThreaT Ashton Hogan Maybe the META-INF directory is not in the right

mapping file is not being loaded

is interpreted by ObjectDB also as a direct database path, so if the persistence unit is not found

_PersistenceException: Type is not found on getSingleResult.

: com.objectdb.o._PersistenceException: Type Estudiante is not found

Puzzler: Not getting cascades on read from Spring context

I've determined that the database is correctly initialized, looking at it from the Object Explorer, I can run the code that loads the database in a Junit test and it's initializing the children objects correctly, but in the application running in Jetty with Spring, fetching is not

Multiple Collection Fields not update correctly

does not occur anymore Trianglehead Json Error Could you please provide a

Guestbook example from tutorial does not work.

> The exception may indicate that the objectdb-jee.jar file is not located

Persist not working when ObjectDB and another db is used in the same application (through spring) with different tx managers

Hi,  Object are not being persisted when ObjectDB and another db is used in the same application (through spring) with different tx managers, please find an example of this below. Any help is greatly appreciate as we are currently evaluating ObjectDB to use in

Git seems not to commit objectdb.conf

git version (Mac OS X) For some reason my Git seems to be "ignoring" (although not in .gitignore) the web/WEB-INF/objectdb.conf in a web app. I can't find anything about the .conf suffix being ignored. Has anybody noticed this and/or found a solution ? webel Dr Darren Kelly

OrphanRemoval not working?

you Michael anaq x Orphan removal was not handled by ObjectDB for inverse