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substring works with string but not with char

(, 1, 1) = ?1 but when i use a char, the query does not return anything. I am not sure that this comparison is valid, since the type of the left ... is comparable to int but not to String.

Visibility of changes in Transaction is not visible to a JPA QL Query

that I add in the transaction are not visible when I go to count them; not added any objectdb jars  in any other location apart ... if the Query is in AUTO mode? No. Changes during transaction are not be visible to queries

JPA-Query does not lead to any result

with a query. Normally that works without a problem, but in case of this database that query does not ... , one where the query has a result and one where the query does not has any results. skolb Sebastian Kolb ... > In not-working.odb, the index looks: 0

Running ObjectDB on a node that does not have internet connectivity

Upon initializing our ObjectDB database on a node that does not have a connection ... an old beta version, in which the dtd file is not available locally. Please switch ... do not match the local dtd. Try to set the headers of all your package.jdo files to:

Drop in Client/server mode not working

> dmoshal David Moshal I tried your example at it works as long as the Explorer is not connected to the database. ie: If explorer is connected to a c/s database then it is not dropped! dmoshal David Moshal Drop is possible only for a database that is currently not open and in use

Items in list are doubled, when the entity class is not enhanced

list. When the classes are not enhanced, added items are doubled. Here is an example: not and the new info ... and was changed in order to fix orphan removal). If Customer is not dirty

Field not persisted in abstract class with two level of nesting

Hi, I have a field (embedded TZ1) which is not persisted in class MHD1 ... cannot access your abstract class because it is not public. Adding not be generated for non public abstract class, so your test passes with build 2.5.6

Objectdb ignores not null annotations

I'd like to mark field of an entity not nullable so that when developer tries ... even tried @NotNull which is not JPA, anyway I've tried :) Please specify valid way to mark a field (might be of another Entity type or primitive) not nullable... Regards

Sometimes cascade persist does not work during commit

>The test suite persists an entity A, afterwards not persisted entities B are added to entity A.not persisted.  btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Unfortunately we currently do not have any

DB persist operation results are not available for another Thread/EntityManager immdiately

afterwards also with its own EntityManager and tries to load the persisted entities by a query. But there are not any results available ... to the console, but there are not results. After that the thread stops at a debug break point. We steps ... then the problem does not happen. Can you imagine or explain this timing problem? btc_es