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Remove not working

"> Caused by: com.objectdb.o._EntityNotFoundException: Entity is not found: ObjectManager of appnode1/127.0 ... . The weird thing is that it works for some units and for some not. Best Regards Ralph ... : Entity is not found: ObjectManager of com.objectdb.o.WSM@2a7d1a2b - 2 (removed in current transaction

JPQL query to get entities that does not have a child entity in their child entities

'. CANCELED: A Job having status '%Canceled' and not ('Finished'). FAILED:      A Job having status '%Failed' and not '%Canceled' and not ... status '%Started' and not '%Failed' and not '%Canceled' and not 'Finished'. I have entities

em.flush(); em.clear(); loosing data and not persisting managed objects

I'm having trouble with flush() and clear() in a loop inside a transaction not ... for the new DRCS. I chose JPA since it was not specific to a peticular database. I ... /tables 3 or 4 or them do not have primary keys. The data that I'm using in these entity

@Convert is not supported?

a test on this, and seems that my Converters methods are not executed at all (like annotation doesent ... class="code">@Convert are new in JPA 2.1 and ObjectDB support of JPA 2.1 is not complete ... problem (but I think this feature might be useful for other purposes I'm not aware of), I

Source not found error after downloading ObjectDB 2.3.7_04

> I am getting an error Source attachment does not contain source for File PMF.class. not found.  Basically the PMF.class is compiled from and in the source file I am not able to find any class.  

UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer It occurs on this line: Which is obviously not present when cleaning and building with Netbeans ... around this problem as I'm not sure how the enhance() method looks up the model

Embedded in JDO metadata not working in objectDB 2.x ?

and the elements inside the RackGroupList are embedded too.   I did not ... every class as not embedded, with own extent and OID for every instance. So my questions are: 1. Is the enormous increase of database file size caused by the number of not-embedded

Embedded Entity in EmbeddedId not persisted. Error 631 at select.

Stanislav Jakuschev 27.02.2023  *   *         case 1: Works not: if field AId.b is not @Embedded annotated.  *  *         case 2: Works ... ;   question: Is @Entity annotation of class B not sufficient enough, or  *    

Help with 'not like/lower' query

the following error. This is using Criteria with a combination of LOWER/UPPER - NOT LIKE: NOT LIKE :p2 So in essence, I'm trying to do a count (with a subsequent fetch ... email does NOT match the parameter :p2   The bind is as follows: 

Remove of an entry from a @OneToMany collection is not possible if the enhancer is disabled

Hello! When the JPA entities are not enhanced the removal of an entry from a @OneToMany collection is not possible. The following java code demonstrates the problem ... > does not work correctly with not enhanced JPA entities. package