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Query results are not up to date for entities, not primitives

When using the CriteriaBuilder to query, the loaded list are not refreshed according ... > Any variations on update side does not any diference. The problem is only solved when changing ... not being seen by queries: "Updating

Not Enhanced: ...: com.objectdb.o.TEX: Type ..._$$_javassist_1 is not found

contains UserSessionB through @Inject. Both are not entities or anything related to ObjectDB. AuthB is used ... you noted, this class is not related to ObjectDB and does not need enhancement, but the exception is thrown

NOT NULL not working

I added a OneToOne Realtionship to one of my entity classes. To  give this field a value in my existing datasets i wrote an upgrade method. The cool thing is that SELECT u FROM Unit u WHERE u.lastPosition IS NOT NULL returns


/jpa/criteria/Predicate" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Predicate not(  ... Returns: not


.persistence.spi">javax.persistence.spi.LoadStateNOT_LOADED The state of the element is known not to have been loaded. Since: JPA 2.0


/Predicate" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Predicate not()

"is not null" queries not working with index

"is not null"-queries are not working correctly for indexed fields. Following ... ; System.out.println("not null: " + em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(p) FROM Foo p WHERE IS NOT NULL ... "> total : 1000 null : 500 not null: 339 Behaviour detected on 64Bit JDK 1.8.0_144

Collection update does not increase entity version and is not persisted

(all classes are enhanced) the version of the event does not increase and the updated event is not stored ... and checks in another transaction if this change was written or not. If I change the code to use ... of an old schema, in which the collection was not exist yet (as of changing

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

. represents some database content, or a transient object, i.e. not related to any database. makePersistent(...) is not an instance of a persistent class (as defined in not the collection or array itself (unlike passing a collection to

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

>. When a candidate collection is not specified explicitly, as it is in this query, the entire ExtentExtent is not managed for the candidate class, the query is not valid. The execute() method compiles and runs