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Eager Fetch is not stable for collection or map types?

;collection or map types is not stable, we lost them sometimes after JVM restarted. Eager fetch is properly set.And we still found that the storage is stable when we not use generic, such as "private ... > Currently there is no known open bug that can cause this problem (including in using or not using

ObjectDB with JRebel: copious 'Not Enhanced:' errors with EJBs

> I appreciate that you are not responsible for compatibility with JRebel, but you might be able ... is like: Info: [2016-10-30 09:16:46 #6 enhancer.agent] Not Enhanced ... .ejb.query.__EJB31_Generated__ExampleQuery__Intf__ is not found at com.objectdb.o.MSG.e(

Entity is not related to ObjectDB, but i get exception from ObjectDB

.hibernate.InstantiationException: Could not instantiate entity: granat.dp.domain.entity.psql ... .InstantiationException: Could not instantiate entity: granat.dp.domain.entity.psql.DialogNew at com ... .PersistenceException: org.hibernate.InstantiationException: Could not instantiate entity: granat.dp.domain

Why are my Map entries not stored?

Why are my values of the map "states" not stored in the database? It seems the 'State' is stored, but not the 'Authority'? @Entity public class ... (); Is this correct now? "mappedBy" is not required? But I have to set "@MapKey

Type xxx is not found (error 301)

The error: Type User is not found (error 301) occurs when I ... was expecting was an empty list, not an error. Is there some enhancement ... ;   em.find(User.class, User.class); but this is not a portable JPA code

Cascading (persist) with a mix of enhanced and not enhanced entities

We find out that it is actual not possible to use enhanced and not enhanced entities ... , very time-consuming. Unfortunately, we can not reproduce this with a small example until now ... classes that access directly (not through methods) persistent fields of enhanced classes

Different behavior for casting and not casting

.vereinsverwaltung.abrechnung.api.model.mitglied.MitgliedVertraegeFragment') IS NOT NULL NOT NULL Furthermore, checking for empty collection doesn't return any entity either, however I am not sure whether this might start working

JPA 2.2 LocalDate still not working

wasn't able to. Now again 2 years later and objectdb still does not support LocalDate? Also Converters are still not working... Kevin Kevin Pfaff not the case here).

new objects not available in mappedBy associations

objects are not immediately available in collection queries. I'll try to find a 'real' example, and I'll ... > Yes, but if the query has already been run and the field already contains a value - it will not be run again unless the object is retrieved again from the database (and not from the persistence

Lazy retrieval by access not working correctly

attribute containing an @ElementCollection which is lazy loaded.  I'm not sure if the same problem ... , everything works correctly.  Without the breakpoint, my lazy collection does not get loaded.  ... ; return locale; // if I set a breakpoint here, values loaded from DB; without breakpoint they are not