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ODB-WeakRefPurger threads not closing at all

ODB-WeakRefPurger thread for every DB Connection (using JDO and PersistenceManager) and not closing ... on close. If your close operation is slow, it may indicate that this timeout may not be sufficient. support Support I am closing only PersistenceManager instances, not the 

Complex Schema Upgrade not working

idea? quasado Alexander Adam The configuration XML is not synchronized with the example (in package names), but this is probably only in this post and not in your application. not be specified in the configuration. If you have instances of Contact

JPA inheritance issue with ObjectDB - Field not found in type error

'retired' is not found in type '' The same code works fine with MySQL and EclipseLink, but not with ObjectDB. I've also tried using ... .com/questions/75967290/jpa-inheritance-issue-with-objectdb-field-not-found-in-type-error

Bug with unique constraint exception not resulting in transaction roll back

as expected, but I would expect ObjectDB to roll back the transaction and not persist ... environment, in which transactions are started and committed by the application server and not ... is happening, and so I think the transaction should not be committed no matter

failure to enforce NOT NULL for java.lang.String

=NullValue.EXCEPTION) are not enforced in 2.3.7_08 or that i have failed to understand how to annotate ... = username; }     } } NOT NULL constraints worked well for relationships but not for basic reference types such as String. Build 2.3

makeTransient() not working on Embedded class is not defined as an entity (@Entity is missing) at com.objectdb ... am using JDO and PMImpl. Should I not call the makeTransient() on an @EmbeddedOnly object ... of persistence capable classes (in JDO, or entity classes in JPA). Embedded objects are not managed

Table view does not work for queries

This shows that table view does not work for queries     ... Here it is.  Not sure why that was empty. Trianglehead Json Error Thank ... works. I did not replace the jar files in my production game server though. 

Unexpected exception during query, if entity is not enhanced

Hello, the entity TCVector is not enhanced and the enhancement check in ... > The TCVector is really not enhanced and is created unintentionally in ... the creation of the TCVector entity model structure in our main database where the TCVector is not needed

Can not have unique index on Byte Array

FAJAR Unique is implemented by ObjectDB by an index that does not allow duplicate keys. An index ... are different. support Support Note also that an index on a collection or array will not be useful ... . eko EKO FAJAR Strings are not considered as collections or arrays but as values. support Support

Application not starting after enhancement

class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method ... >If you enhance an entity class but not its super entity class (or mapped superclass) you may get error ... directories but it does not. If i use -s instead of -cp everything works. Thanks! Kevin Kevin Pfaff