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Replication not working anymore

all and it worked. I don't know what went wrong the first place. I did not do anything different

multiple LEFT JOINs do not work as expected

. it does not return the organisations directly under root. The root organisation has null as

Eclipse - Maven - Dependencies not getting automatically reflected

" which are inputted are not getting displayed. Say if I input springframework, it only reflect the jars

@Unique member combination not working

Why does the below code not enforce unique restrictions?   Person @Entity @Unique(members = {"name", "surname"}) public class Person implements Serializable {     @Id    

Last build is not available on Maven Repository

Is there some special reason why the last two builds of 2.3.3 are not available in your Maven repository? mosi0815 Ralph Moser Just checked and 2.3.3_06 was indeed missing (but 2.3.3_05 was there). It is available now (refresh your browser). I

OR not working with isNull

will only match records when NOT inside the OR predicate.  The other predicate works normally

Insert a new entity class in a class hierarchy does not work

Hello, we have an entity class hierarchy and we want to insert a new entity in this hierarchy and our database must be automatically updated by schema evolution. Unfortunately it does not work, because the class hierarchy had already always existed and the "new

Entity has be persistended,but query not fetched?

I create a new entity T newT and persistend it,then I create a query "select t from T t" to fetch all T entities.But  then the newT is not contain in the query result. Why? code order: query.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.AUTO); query

Can not connect to replication node

>This error message is usually shown when the objectdb.jar file is not available in the classpath.

Mapped by fields are not initialized by JOIN FETCH in queries

As demonstrated in this forum thread, a mapped by collection field with lazy fetch mode is not initialized in results of a query that uses JOIN FETCH on that collection field (when enhancement is used). support Support   Build 2