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JBoss 7 startup fails

> If you built the project by yourself step by step - maybe you misplaced a directory or a file. Try running the Maven version of this project. support Support Thanks,  I downloaded (the maven project) and imported it into eclipse but I now

Possible cause for "Enhancement of type ... is old and cannot be used"

of projects (both large web app project and dedicated ObjectDB test projects) since trying  ... of these projects. In all cases I am using post-compile, pre-deployment enhancement using an Ant script ... situations as described in #2 above. If you see the error after a clean build of your entire project

Path in tomcat

should be in? And the .odb? When I debug the Eclipse web project, I export ... put objectdb into the project's /WEB-INF/, I may lost the db when I use Undeploy tool. TIA project

Database Inconsistency or corruption

>   private Project project;   @javax.persistence.OneToMany(cascade=javax ... ;    Long revision,       Project project,    ... = type;     this.revision = revision;     this.project = project

Type ... is not defined as an entity (@Entity is missing) (error 302)

. I am attempting to persist an instance of CultureRqst in the project com.epimss.lab by using a Connection class imported from the project com.epimss.admin. I can access ... of the eclipse project and then add it to the classpath runtime for each project that I use objectdb in

JPA - ExceptionInInitializerError when creating EntityManager

Please see my code of fragment from my project.   My project was was running successfully but All of sudden, it is showing following error:- project. I am very frustrated after lot of tries at my end to solve this problem. I tried

Missing (null) elements in eager loaded references

Pfaff Okay, I created a little test project which reproduces the error. Inside ... class only the minimum required code, in a one file format (i.e. not a large Gradle project). This project has 21 Java files. Clearly reducing the project will require some extra work from

can't get HashMap out of the database

. The full Eclipse project attached FYI. Thanks, Natalia. The full project attached. Please advise if nested embeddable ... > Your test project, however, uses an older version (2.2.5). Please verify that you do not

Dirty checking

view is a 'projection', or 'lens', or 'reactive' view over one or more entity classes. 3 ... , Vuejs (actually based on a proposal I made in 2013 in the RactiveJS project), etc. So, now ... is a projection/lens/reactive-query over a subset of the Company and User entity classes.

Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api?

myself in to using a specific database. In a project that uses said library, I'm using ObjectDB ... > If a project uses JPA and JDO, it is most likely to avoid coupling it to a specific database. By adding ObjectDB as a database and ORM in a project, it seems odd that it would clash with classes