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UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

and move the dist directory out of the project to a remote location and run it using java -jar ... the following to the Netbeans IDE, Project, Run, VM Options: java -javaagent:C:\work ... to run the project from within Netbeans I now get this error:

Stalling on "run File" in Netbeans when using -javaagent:lib/objectdb.jar

enhancement with Netbeans IDE 7.1. To enable enhancement I use the following in the Project ... /objectdb.jar where there is a lib folder under the main project folder. This works ... Netbeans IDE have encountered problems  using -javaagent:lib/objectdb.jar under the project's

How to have a distribuited GWT application with ObjectDB and Spring?

Hello to everyone! I've been developing a GwT application as a project ... to understand and we don't have time to waste because in a month we have to finish this project. project. But if your time is limited, consider using

Enhancer -s broken

\objectdb.jar"> <arg line="-s c:\my-project\classes\*.class"/> </java>project\classes ... ;arg line="-s"/>   <arg line="c:\my-project\classes\*.class"/> </java>

Visibility of changes in Transaction is not visible to a JPA QL Query

is this the intended behaviour? I attach the Eclipse projects . The only complexity is that everything is structured into separate projects ( an EAR, The EJBs, the EJB interfaces, the JPA ... .xml is located where it is used in the EJB project ( this was the only way I could get things

How to install ObjectDB on my Amazon EC2?

Hi I just created an Amazon EC2 account and I want to build project based on Java/JPA ... one of them and build your project in your development environment (e.g. using Eclipse / NetBeans). When the project is ready you can deploy it on Amazon EC2. As explained in post #2 above, you can run

Possible issue with Spring JPA and Embedded

to embed some small objects inside another object. When I tried this from our project it doesn't ... to be an entity it all works happily. I have attached a spring maven project (use 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' to generate the maven project, and then 'import' into eclipse). I've stripped out as


>Anyone tried this yet? Dave dmoshal David Moshal Please post a sample project ... ::UnknownSlotErr: OdbTest::OdbTest.main" The Eclipse/F4 project is attached ... >First time I ran the project (after setting java build path for the objectdb.jar), it worked

Opensource ObjectDB

for my projects I will consider pros and cons of ObjectDB and other databases and choose paying or ... a commercial project. Success stories (as you mentioned) are well known. Failure stories may be more common ... object database, which is a virtually dead project today. Financially, we are now in a good position

Another NPE on em.createQuery(query).getResultList()

the project into your IDE workspace (for eclipse, you could run mvn eclipse:eclipse to generate the eclipse project configuration files, or you could m2eclipse eclipse plugin). SeedEntityImplTest is a testng test. I temporarily committed changes to configure the project ready for object (if you run