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Eclipse/JPA database tutorial

.V This URL is not expected to be valid. Could you please upload the project ... chance? I have uploaded the project. Its eclipse juno. Thank you. A fixed project is also attached. support Support Dear Friends

Compile time enhancement using build.xml of a Netbeans web application

.xml of a Netbeans web application project to specify ObjectDB compile time enhancement, for both single file and whole project compilation ? The ObjectDB 2.3 manual gives the following ... " classpath="c:\objectdb\bin\objectdb.jar"> <arg line="-s c:\my-project\classes\*.class"/> <

Glassfish and ObjectDB 2.4.3

NetBeans open the project objectdb-2.4.3\tutorials\guestbook-jee6 In the pom.xml file change 2.4.0 to 2.4.3 (but 2.4.0 should also work). Run the project (F6). project doesn't work properly. Thank u very much for the fast support. banifou Fou Banit


importance to us. I think that ObjectDB is production ready but are there any testimonials or project ... to use ObjectDB in your project you should probably take it for a drive test, to verify that it matches your specific project needs. support Support

Annotations not supported in -source1.3 (use -source 5 or higher ..)

is different from that I ran Netbeans to load the built points project, but I can't see that this could explain the error) I could not figure out how to fix this in the points project in Netbeans, I ... and ran. The matter is a bit academic now, and I have not solved it in the points project

@ElementCollection Set is emptied sometimes

> There is only one place where those fields are manipulated in this project. Just as an idea, I have attached the class ... didn't forget about this, but the schema of the project I currently work on got into a stable state

Evaluation License

Hi, I'm an individual developer and my project has more then 10 persistable types. How can I get a free commercial license? (According to the post ... . This is mainly useful for small projects, academic assignments, evaluation and learning.

Extended mapping-definitions

to the java class 'Cat', dogs to 'Dog' and so on. In the project for which I'm evaluating objectDB, there 1.) will be hundreds of classes and 2.) not all classes are known at project start

Missing Data on Retrieval (0, null values)

. Large projects may need 100 or more entity classes, but you may be able to reduce the number of entity classes in your specific project (if it is not very large) by changing your design

stress test -> com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null

get it very often. Any solution/fix? A sample project is very hard, if not impossible, to create ... both of them. If not, we will need a sample project (even large and with no source code) in order ... I attached 3 new errors found during load testing of the same project.