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Composite index support collection

Ritter It may be supported in future versions (probably with a restriction of one collection

Embedded & Activation & Scalation

multiple server instances "embedded" into our app so we can avoid the single-process restriction

Error 990... and then new version?

.java:209) Then, just as I was about to post (here, since the provided url is restricted), I

InternalException when reading a HashMap

; Is this wanted behaviour? Indeed it seems restrictive. We plan to switch to a new automatic

@Unique member combination not working

Why does the below code not enforce unique restrictions?   Person @Entity @Unique(members = {"name", "surname"}) public class Person implements Serializable {     @Id    

Async query ObjectDb

">restricting execution time is supported. support Support

Session lost

.......... best babak.naddaf babak naddaf It may be a firewall restriction.

Multi-tenant capability with hierarchies

classes inherit from). Every query should restrict retrieval of data to the relevant tenants.

Best practice: Database update/migration of embedded databases in products

a PostLoad callback (if not null). If conversion is restricted

Internal objectdb exception when using different language on a machine

, this entity is not used in the sub database. The sub database contains only a restricted