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Cross-platform license

My activation code works fine on my computer Ubuntu but fails on the same machine if I boot into Windows 8.  Is the activation code restricted to an operating system?  Would I lose it's use if I upgraded Ubuntu at some point?  sjzlondon Steve Zara

License Activation Change and Checking Activation

Hello! How does ObjectDB determine the machine ID? Yesterday I activated our license on my development laptop and today I tried to persist more than 1M objects. ObjectDB told me that it cant't do that because of the evaluation restrictions. Now I activated it again on the same

ObjectDB licencing rules

Hi, We have a ObjectDB instalation and licence for one server on a virtual machine within ESXi, we would like to migrate it to Physical server, is there any restrictions in moving or when reinstaling a server with ObjectDB instalation. Thank you. peric

package not found running ObjectDB under OSGi

">this restriction regarding using ObjectDB in an Eclipse plugin. support Support

TemporalType injection with Calendar using JPA

>The rules for primary keys are more restrictive, as explained on the primary key page.

Multi selection and distinct in a criteria query

;) What I was trying to say.. how can I restrict the DISTINCT to the first selection element in my tuple

EntityManager getMetamodel() causes crash

> Crispy Chris Powell I should add that this is on the restricted version! Also, I

virtual servers and one file

virtual servers and one file

objectdb got hang after fetch some record.

was restricted now to maximum 2 seconds in build 2.8.6_03

ObjectDB 2.8.6_03

Restricted waiting time on closing a database on a server to 2 seconds(see issue #2686).