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PersistenceException: Failed to locate field

Hi, have recently been running into this issue when changing the schema : com.objectdb.o ... . pretty sure that in the past schema evolution would not have triggered errors, is this case, a simple ... . Specifically, from: schema "Fields in the new schema

DB Doctor sets type to "unknown" for new fields

and run DB Doctor on the exiting DB file in order to update the schema . The fields are added to the schema as expected, however their type is set to unknown - we were expecting Boolean. The attached ... .emergency FROM RecordingMetaData AS r In addition, the entity class schema shows the Boolean type, as

Unexpected exception during open the database

the schema block from objectdb.conf all works fine during opening the database. The automatic index ... EmbeddedSystems The exception is thrown during index rebuild. It is strange that a schema change triggers an index ... that this is the only schema change?   support Support Yes, the reason is the schema change for an entity

UPDATE query cannot set a new field after schema change

UPDATE query cannot set a new field after schema change


of this exception is unclear but according to the stack trace it is related to failed schema evolution ... is unexpected, since you probably haven't changed the schema of the type already 3 times ... Eibschutz Thank you for the update. Currently an ObjectDB server supports live schema changes

Corrupted Database or error in ObjectDBExplorer?

The data in this database is probably fine, but apparently the Explorer is missing a recent schema change ... .TestCaseImpl but somehow the Explorer doesn't have the up to date schema in the database. If this is the case, try to open the database with up to date schema (your entity classes and XML metadata if any

Database Inconsistency or corruption

classes:   @javax.persistence.Entity @javax.persistence.Table(name = "ObjectValues", schema = "dex ... .TableGenerator(name = "objectValueGen", table = "IdValues", schema = "dex_01", pkColumnName = "idName ... , orphanRemoval = true)   @javax.persistence.JoinTable(name = "ObjectValueAttributes", schema = "dex

Time Sequence Object Command DB

schemas are stored in the database and updated schemas are added in sequence in the database without having to update objects defined using the older schemas .  When the database is loaded, it will first load an object schema , then the object, then perhaps a new schema and a new object of the same


schema generation to occur. The Persistence class is available in a Java EE container environment as ... the factory. These properties may include properties to control schema generation. The values ... generateSchema (String persistenceUnitName, Map map) Create database schemas and/or tables


are stored as part of the class schema in the database (but only as part of the schema , values ... . It might be confusing and it would be better to filter transient fields from object display. Handling schema changes is explained at: schema

Primary key generation problem after changing entity package

have been probably lost for changed entity classes. After schema change I keep getting errors : Attempt ... and added schema update to the configuration:              ... ; Running the test again didn't cause any error. Maybe there is a bug when more complex schema changes

ObjectDB Enincompatible with Quarkus?

near the end is concerning: Caused by: graphql. schema .validation.InvalidSchemaException: invalid schema : "__odbVersionCrc" in "Film" must not begin with "__", which is reserved by GraphQL introspection ... more Caused by: graphql. schema .validation.InvalidSchemaException: invalid schema : "__odbVersionCrc" in

@ElementCollection Set is emptied sometimes

. They appear HashSet in ObjectDB Explorer. The only common thing I've seen is that this MAY happen when schema ... while schema changes, but not all the times. The interesting part is that most of the times, schema ... . support Support I just want to mention that I didn't forget about this, but the schema of the project I

multiple different applications access one odb file

and the other one would be for exposing the DB data via web services. Do all these apps need to have the same DB schema . The BIRT ... , different POJO classes in one APP would result in DB schema change. Actually, we have tried ... of the same entity class with different database schemas on the same database at the same time

ODB should auto-restart if it detects it's necessary

Hi! I find very tricky the need to restart ObjectDB server after schema modifications in ... objectdb.config) that each time ObjectDB detects a schema change that requires restart ... the last days because of these schema changes without restart, which gave us a lot of problems

Best practice: Database update/migration of embedded databases in products

btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems The ObjectDB schema evolution support consists of: Automatic schema evolution - for adding and removing fields and for class hierarchy change. Configuration schema changes ... this schema change you will have to maintain all the fields, (the old and the new) in the new schema , and use

Attempt to store an instance of a non persistable type

for one platform (there the launcher is slightly different), could it be that the schema of the other database ... that there is some issue with the schema in that database. However, if the entity class is available in the classpath when you open the EntityManagerFactory  the schema is expected to be updated

com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to generate dynamic type

these classes from the database schema fails. What is the hierarchy of AbstractLong and AbstractNumber ... /  -classpath argument. support Support Reading about Schema Update. I see there is Package/Class/Field elements in the schema - but where do I find the schema section? In which file

Extending model by "common entity"

explorer or doctor. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski This schema change should be handled by ObjectDB ... - it demonstrates a bug in ObjectDB schema evolution. Please check build 2.0.5_01 that should fix it. If possible - apply the schema change again to a database that was used only with the old schema


. Example: @Entity @Table(name="CUST", schema ="RECORDS") public class Customer { ... } Since: JPA 1.0 ... schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user

Persistence.generateSchema(persistenceUnitName,map) - JPA Static Method

;persistenceUnitName,    Map map ) Create database schemas and/or tables and/or create DDL scripts as determined by the supplied properties. Called when schema generation is to occur ... - the name of the persistence unit map - properties for schema generation; these may also contain


String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user


an underscore. Since: JPA 1.0 String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user. Since: JPA 1.0 UniqueConstraint [] uniqueConstraints default {} (Optional


of the collection attribute, separated by an underscore. Since: JPA 2.0 String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. If not specified, the default schema for the user is used. Since: JPA 2


the primary table. Since: JPA 1.0 String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user. Since: JPA 1.0 UniqueConstraint [] uniqueConstraints default {} (Optional

Deadlock in objectdb code

indicates a possible deadlock during initialization of new persistent schema ... , so they aren't first encountered later?  Also, is there a logging option to follow schema ... can find managed classes automatically .  Also, is there a logging option to follow schema changes

after upgrade to 2.9.0 database destroys, urgent issue at our most important customer, production shutdown

that are not synchronized with the data. This could be caused by certain unsupported schema changes (if you had schema changes in addition to upgrading to 2.9.0) . If this is the only issue then running ... a link. We did not do any schema changes hgzpincher Hans-Georg Zwicker Looking again in the log

Embedded in JDO metadata not working in objectDB 2.x ?

with embedded objects ? No such utility. After upgrading the schema you will have to write a small ... the schema and wrote the program which retrieves the containing entities, made them dirty ... delete now the unwanted entity objects? Since I upgraded the schema where these objects are declared as

NullPointerException in ENH.g(

package without backing this operation with a schema change declaration in the configuration file ... .mvolution.domain.entities.event.participant.Participant: an entity class with no instances. Adding a schema ... for your fast response. You were right, I forgot about this schema change. Glad you found it... Thanks

Recommendation - concurrent access multiple class v

Chirac Currently schema changes require server restart, as well as restarting the application with the new schema . ObjectDB servers usually do not have a direct access to your classes, so this is not ... , changing the schema requires restarting all of them with the new version of your application

drop a column from table

Just remove the field from the entity class. See Automatic Schema Evolution . Space in the database ... file. The schema change must be available to the Doctor, so you must open the database after the schema

Multi-tenant setup

schema or multiple database. How to handle connections between app (Jboss Wildfly) and pass query request to appropriate database, how to dynamically add new database or schema . There are lot ... of entity managers in Java EE and JPA is static. ObjectDB supports a dynamic  schema


values. Since: JPA 1.0 String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the sequence generator


JPA Annotation ForeignKey Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Used to specify the handling of foreign key constraints when schema generation is in effect. If this annotation is not specified ... CONSTRAINT (Optional) Used to specify whether a foreign key constraint should be generated when schema


support schema generation or cannot create the schema resource at runtime. Since: JPA 1.0 IDENTITY


documentation on how to create such resources in the event that it does not support schema generation or cannot create the schema resource at runtime. Since: JPA 1.0


may be null. This is a hint and is disregarded for primitive types; it may be used in schema

Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(persistenceUnitName,properties) - JPA Static Method

when creating the factory. These properties may include properties to control schema generation


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.ForeignKey ConstraintMode value default CONSTRAINT (Optional) Used to specify whether a foreign key constraint should be generated when schema generation is in effect. A value of CONSTRAINT will cause the persistence provider to generate a foreign key


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.Basic boolean optional default true (Optional) Defines whether the value of the field or property may be null. This is a hint and is disregarded for primitive types; it may be used in schema generation. If not specified, defaults to true . Since: JPA 1.0


JPA Annotation Index Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Used in schema generation to specify creation of an index. Note that it is not necessary to specify an index for a primary key, as the primary key index will be created automatically. The syntax of the columnList element is a column_list , as

Internal Exception and Index Problems

). You can avoid this issue by restarting the ObjectDB server after every such schema change. Future versions of ObjectDB may support schema changes without restarting the server, or ... after schema changes. support Support But in our case a server restart doesn't help. The only way I figured

Entity field renaming does not work

String comparisonDisplayDataTypeName; We added the schema for renaming to the objectdb config:   ... is opened with the schema change specified in the configuration file, only the class ... the schema change, up to date classes (no source code is needed) with the new field names and your ObjectDB


is possible as a result of schema change, in which id fields are removed. Notice that changing ... When you say schema change do you mean changing the code for the entity objects and using ... felixobjectdb Richard Szurgot In that case it is not a schema change

Unexpected exception (Error 990)

to locate a type in order to update an index. Did you get this exception after changing the schema ? If the schema has changed, was the server restarted before using the new schema ? After restarting


"" Whether this class or interface manages an extent. Since: JDO 2.1 String schema default "" Schema to use


JDO Annotation Unique Target: ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Annotation for a database unique constraint. Used for database schema generation to create unique constraints. Also used to reorder database operations when flushing changes


.mapping.Catalog", "javax.jdo.mapping. Schema ", "javax.jdo.option.PersistenceUnitName". "javax.jdo.option

JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(overrides,name,resourceLoader,pmfLoader) - JDO Static Method

.ConnectionFactory2Name", "javax.jdo.option.Mapping", "javax.jdo.mapping.Catalog", "javax.jdo.mapping. Schema ", "javax


JDO Annotation Index Target: ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Annotation for a database index. Used for database schema generation to create indexes. Corresponds to the xml element "index". Since: JDO 2.1 Public Annotation Attributes Column