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Automatic schema evolution causes ArrayOutOfBoundsException

Hi, I did 2 modification to our schema. Our schema ... from ServiceProvider and removed the duplicated name field, the schema now looks like this: schema update without renaming the permissions field? Thanks for your help Markus

Compare old and new schema

Oudjane Currently there is no automatic tool to compare the old schema to the new one. schema. support Support Thanks ... and an automatic comparison of old schema vs new schema is the only reliable way of making sure

Schema migration - long to String

class="code">String should not require any specific action. Actually such schema changes are not related to the Doctor, and usually you don't have to run the Doctor after the schema ... and it seems that the Doctor may produce false alarms after such schema change. As

Understanding limitations of schema evolution

Hi, I am trying to understand the limitations of schema evolution and have read the material on as well as the link therein regarding manual schema update when changing a field’s name Yet, i am confused regarding how to handle the case

Database corrupted after schema change

;application log wrote any errors, so it looks to me that it is some failing schema evolution. Since you are using version 2.8.3_05 it might be the critical schema bug (issue ... > We tried to open a DB with already corrupted data (by the schema change, without fixing the DB

schema update procedure

Is there a specific procedure that we should follow when making schema updates? schema change is known and schema">documented ... by sending the up to date schema of all these classes to the server. Therefore, the server

Massive schema update

how to do it with the <schema> configuration element, but it's a big database, and I ... all the objects to the new schema after I wrote the shema update? Thanks in advance. Best Regars, Pablo. Pablo Berra Pablo Berra The effect on performance of schema update

DB Explorer cannot be opened after schema package renaming of entity types

The DB Explorer cannot be opened after schema package renaming of entity types ... . The schema update tries to rename the package name for entity types and deprecated entity types ... the database manually before the schema update then the database can be opened in the DB Explorer

Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass

and Remove the ChildClassB. <schema> <package name ... ;/package> </schema>   @Entity @Access ... > Thank you for this report and for the test. It demonstrates well a bug in schema evolution

Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass

and Remove the ChildClassB. <schema> <package name ... ;/package> </schema>   @Entity @Access ... > Thank you for your report. The test demonstrates a bug in schema evolution that includes renaming