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Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

(such as a database file pointer or a socket to a remote server) in a connection pool and use

What is ObjectDB?

to when using relational database systems (RDBMS), such as Oracle, DB2, SQL Server or MySQL.

Eclipse/JPA Web Application Tutorial

Developers Apache Tomcat Server 6.0 (some modifications

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - NetBeans Project

or define the server and click OK. If  a browser is not opened - open

Step 6: Run the Java EE 6 Application

>). You can stop the GlassFish server and open the database file in

Step 6: Run the Web Application

under the Tomcat directory. You can stop the Tomcat server and open the database file in

Step 1: Create a Java EE Web Project

>. Select GlassFish Server 3 (or above) and Java EE 6

Step 4: Add a Servlet Class

the application server into the guestDao field automatically (since the field is marked

Step 1: Create a Web Project

v6.0 as the Target runtime. Note: You may have to add Tomcat 6 as a new server by

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

application stops (or when the web server shuts down), by closing the