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Log is almost empty (log level 'trace')

Hi, Using 2.4.6_01 version on Linux (2.6.18, VPS)..  Just wondering what should I suppose to see in a log file with a log level ' trace '/'debug'.. Trying to fix an issue that server version ... side and the other on the client side. If there is a connection problem, an exception stack trace should be written

ClassNotFoundException Stack Traces in the Log File

ClassNotFoundException Stack Traces in the Log File

Posting Sample Code

To demonstrate a technical question or an issue - you may have to provide a complete runnable sample program . If an unexpected exception (e.g. NullPointerException or ClassCastException ) is thrown by ObjectDB - posting the full stack trace with no sample program (using the Issue Tracking

General Settings and Logging

. The supported logging levels are: "fatal" "error" "warning" "info" " trace " "debug"

Cast exception?

use with ObjectDB). Please always post error messages with full stack traces .   support Support I don't think the stack trace is very useful here, that's why I didn't include it... Exception ... : server }, {} } +--- --- ---+ Stack Trace : +--- --- ---+ extension.LoginEventHandler.handleServerEvent

Unexpected exception during open the database

sometimes, if we open a database? But the stack traces do not show opening a database. Maybe you have other stack traces that show the caller methods that try to open the database? support Support Sorry ... expect one, since we "discard" the database anyway, once the migration is finished. But the stack traces

Unexpected internal exception during set field of an Embeddable to null

of SignalValueImpl objects (Embeddables). Partly as in the stack trace an Embeddable contain ... . Stack trace : com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected internal exception     ... ;     } } Can you read the problem from the stack trace ? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems

PersistenceManager.getObjectsById(Collection,boolean) throwing JDOException

type. Please post a complete error message and stack trace . A test case the demonstrates the issue ... on occasion with a NullPointerException.  I can't get exact stack traces as this is running ... .jdo.JDOUserException Failed to find multiple entities (error 636) The topmost entry of the stack trace

Database is erased after deploying a new web application version

the full exception error message and stack trace . The name of the process that uses the .odb file is "java" - not ... the full exception error message and stack trace . Failed to open file '/root/evee-database.odb' at com.webapp ... to do it? Yotam Yotam Boaz The stack trace indicates an exception that is thrown not directly by ObjectDB

disabling JDO in objectdb embedded mode

part of ObjectDB and the stack trace does not mention ObjectDB at all. Please check ... . Could you please post the relevant exception stack trace . The stack trace on #1 above doesn't seem to be related. support Support Hi thank you for your reply. The stack trace is very huge, as the content

Occasionally slow requests in load testing

trace examples. Given that the code is obfuscated we have no idea what it is actually doing ... The first stack trace (com.objectdb.o.LFL:U: line number 1068 ) indicates massive access ... is large - execution time may also be much longer than 10-15 seconds. The other stack trace (com

New Index causing troubles

@7dc3b129 Total blocked: 0 Total waited: 1 Stack trace : java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) java ... @7b5315ca owned by: Thread-6 Total blocked: 111 Total waited: 75 Stack trace : ... @6a33f62e Total blocked: 0 Total waited: 1 Stack trace : java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) java.lang.ref

Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle)

to true does NOT correct the problem.   I noticed that the third line in the stack trace at com ... ; How do I set this cascade in JDO? st.clair.clarke St Clair Clarke The stack trace is ok - since some ... . 2. If the window does not appear and there is a lot of stack trace output go to Run Run

newbie - lots of exeptions

.AVBooking after done was invoked from the following stack trace java.lang.Throwable at com.sun ... pnewman Paul Newman The exact cause is unclear, but the stack trace indicates that the exception ... .U( ... 18 more pnewman Paul Newman The last stack trace was produced by build 2.4.4

Suspected memleak caused by bad state of EntityManager

and using. We find a slow memleak in our application recently, and by trace of Entity construct ... . The stack trace is not full - the cause ( NullPointerException ) appears with no stack trace . The connection between the stack trace and the memory consumption is unclear. To demonstrate a memory issue

StackOverflowError after commit

? If you can provide a full stack trace (possibly from the log file) it could help. support Support we use ... side), since it does not match the stack trace . In addition, this is only a partial stack trace . Please find the full stack trace in the ObjectDB (client side) log file. support Support we have solved this issue

explorer NullPointerException

,but the problem is still on. olddm ma This stack trace indicates a problem in opening the Explorer ... the other issue that you mentioned, the [Recent Connections] menu - could you post a stack trace ? The stack trace that you posted is caused on an attempt to open the [Tools Options] dialog box

JBOSS AS7 7.1.1 - Entity not persisted and createNamedQuery fire exception

clicker Please post the full stack trace of the exception. Have you tried running the tutorial guest ... /examples/ does not even deploy on JBOSS AS7 stack trace is: 09:40:30,202 INFO  [org ... misconfiguration ?   As for the NamedQuery problem the full stack trace is: 10:01:22,960 ERROR

Getting Unexpected internal exception when updating entity in MEM db

. Please find the below stack trace for your reference. Caused by: com.objectdb.o.InternalException ... The stack trace indicates using an old version of ObjectDB (which?) Please try and check if the error happens also with the last version. support Support Hi  The stack trace indicates using an old

Mismatch client-server protocol prefix

. Could you please check the specific query that caused the exception (assuming the stack trace starts ... Moser The last two stack traces do not mention ObjectDB. In addition to checking the database file ... the Explorer)? Maybe you can find a pattern. support Support These traces indeed don't mention ObjectDB

zip file or JAR manifest missing

gzdillon Lai Yang The ObjectDB stack trace indicates an attempt to use a type in a query that doesn't exist ... what is the source of this error message. Do you have a full stack trace ? More information ... the full stack trace ?   support Support My codes will pass through with version_2.2.9_3. The message

Potential ObjectDB bug

the stack trace doesn't include more details on the real cause, which is the NullPointerException . Please check the ObjectDB log file for a complete stack trace that also includes the missing stack trace of the  NullPointerException . support Support

objectdb got hang after fetch some record.

trace : Method) ... .objectdb.jdo.PMImpl@778f3a48   This is the stack trace can you please tell where is the issue? Manoj Manoj Kumar Maharana The stack trace indicates client-server communication for running a query

Indexing a field results in internal Exception

please post the full stack trace . If it is reproducible, try to create and post a test case ... ? support Support This is the stack trace through ObjectDB classes. [ObjectDB 2.5.0_01] Unexpected ... ; sjzlondon Steve Zara Unfortunately the information in the stack trace is not sufficient in this case

UserException - Object User#2 belongs to another EntityManager

to see the full stack trace of the exception (as requested in the posting instructions ). support Support ... , so the User entity shouldn't be mixed. Sorry for not posting the whole stack trace . SEVERE: An error ... application server: Apache Tomee 1.5.2 zmirc Mircea Chirac The stack trace indeed indicates

Failed to read DB file while online backup is running

The new stack traces seem partial. Could you please check for more details in the log? support Support You are right I just found the full stack traces in the odb log file rather than the normal ... These stack traces indicate accessing ObjectDB database after its file was closed. More details

java.lang.NullPointerException when using ORDER BY

and returns the records from the DB, but obviously not in order. Here is the stack trace of the exception ... Please post the stack trace that you get with version 2.5.4_03. support Support Here is the stack trace as

Unable to create 128 column of a table.

.persist(   Thank you. Manoj Manoj Kumar Maharana The stack trace does not ... , you should also try the most recent version (2.8.8) and provide the generated stack trace using ... . If it does, please post the new stack trace . support Support

ObjectDB Unable to process 1.6 L records.

of ObjectDB are you using? Can you try the last ObjectDB build and publish a track trace generated by ... build and publish a track trace generated by it? It is in production so not able to change the build. Manoj Manoj Kumar Maharana The stack trace in the log file does not seem to match version 2.8.2

Exception after update of indices of Entity class

Ritter Which ObjectDB version are you using? According to the stack trace it is not the most recent ... ObjectDB build and then post a stack trace again? support Support Hello, with the latest 2.7.1_02 I ... . Could you describe the index change itself? The stack trace may indicate an issue with an embedded class

again merger missing logs + objectdb exception

. This bug is complicated to trace but we are getting closer, so hopefully soon it will be solved ... . These are not exceptions in the log but logging of stack traces in which a nested section key ... about these stack traces . To be on the safe side please use the Doctor to check the database (or generated backups

Query fails with failed to read

is thrown? Any other special activity at that time? Please post a full stack trace of the exception (strange ... catch the exception and log the stack trace by your application).   support Support ... mode so there is only one log).   hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker Do you have the full stack trace

each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other

much uncomfortable hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker This stack trace already appeared in the thread dumps of #4 ... traces show queries that scan data pages intensively. Hopefully there should be a way to make ... your application activity against the database.     support Support  The stack traces

Blocked by find

blocked: 109 Total waited: 80 Stack trace : com.objectdb.o.PGC.C( - locked java.lang.Object ... -Existing/3 Total blocked: 190 Total waited: 69 Stack trace : rbccm.felix.objectdb.workflow ... . Please let me know if you need any further information. felixobjectdb Richard Szurgot The stack trace

Unexpected exception when execute query without enhanced entities

whether it is also solved. support Support With version 2.8.8_03 we get another exception stack trace ... above (which follows the stack trace in #3). However, to be able to understand where it still fails more information ... it is still unclear what could cause this regression. The stack trace in #8 above is partial

Server out of memory exceptions

without issue. felixobjectdb Richard Szurgot The stack trace doesn't provide much information ... yet - I'll update as soon as i have something. I've included the stack trace from the latest incident ... seems to be working ok. (Apologies for sending another stack trace without much detail - I'm

Exception makes the system unusable for several minutes

) hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker This stack trace indicates an unexpected exception. Are there errors in ... It is very likely, according to the stack traces and your answers, that these exceptions are thrown due to 4 ... . The stack traces seems similar to the stack traces in this previous report . All of them are related

Internal error

to get also the other stack trace (of the crashed thread)? It may help. support Support This is that stack trace ... Steve Zara Thanks for the stack trace at #6 above. It doesn't mention ObjectDB so it cannot help ... for the stack trace at #6 above. It doesn't mention ObjectDB so it cannot help directly in understanding

Freeze during save

this point, even after a day of waiting. I include a stack trace from jvisualvm: at java.lang ... If there is no deadlock, it could be (according to the stack trace ) an issue with cascading a persist operation ... ; What would you like to see? sjzlondon Steve Zara Here is the stack trace of #1 deobfuscated: at java.lang

retrieval again and again started

but probably worth trying) + improved log, which expects to add additional stack traces to the log in ... trace and the log in #16 do not provide much new info. support Support probably the problems ... . that stack traces seem different, please report them in new threads with up to date details. support Support

Negative snapshot user count exception

I found the following stack trace in my log files; it's cropped up a number of times: [2013-08-23 ... that produces a similar exception. The stack trace on the server log indicates that the exception is thrown ... to the database corruption.  I've tried enabling a finer level (both ' trace ' and 'debug

Internal exception

.iterator( btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems The stack trace indicates an unexpected condition ... trace indicates a failure to cascade persist operation from unknown reason during that flush. Any more information could help. If you can find a more detailed exception stack trace in the log file

Out of Memory - Slow leak?

on such attempt it writes to the log an error message ("Negative snapshot user count") with a stack trace . If you can send me the stack trace from the log it may help in locating the reference counting bug ... count" error message and stack trace in the logs? support Support No update I'm afraid

Error during closing an entity manager

: Please check the log file for a longer stack trace (as this looks as a partial stack trace ). Can you reproduce ... this case we get the full stack trace of #3. btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems In that case it is a bug


trace as well. Inherited from: JDOException Since: JDO 1.0 void printStackTrace (PrintStream s ... ' stack trace as well. Parameters: s - PrintStream to use for output Inherited from: JDOException ... to the specified print writer. Print nested Throwables' stack trace as well. Parameters: s


and its backtrace to the standard error output. Print nested Throwables' stack trace as ... to the specified print stream. Print nested Throwables' stack trace as well. Parameters: s - PrintStream ... and its backtrace to the specified print writer. Print nested Throwables' stack trace as


and its backtrace to the standard error output. Print nested Throwables' stack trace as well. Inherited from ... and its backtrace to the specified print stream. Print nested Throwables' stack trace as well. Parameters ... nested Throwables' stack trace as well. Parameters: s - PrintWriter to use for output Inherited

JDOException.printStackTrace() - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.JDOException void printStackTrace () Prints this JDOException and its backtrace to the standard error output. Print nested Throwables' stack trace as well. Since: JDO 1.0

JDOException.printStackTrace(s) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.JDOException void printStackTrace (   PrintWriter s ) Prints this JDOException and its backtrace to the specified print writer. Print nested Throwables' stack trace as well. Parameters: s - PrintWriter to use for output Since: JDO 1.0

JDOException.printStackTrace(s) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.JDOException void printStackTrace (   PrintStream s ) Prints this JDOException and its backtrace to the specified print stream. Print nested Throwables' stack trace as well. Parameters: s - PrintStream to use for output Since: JDO 1.0