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EntityManager getMetamodel() causes crash

I am trying to track down some obscure errors with multi-threading.  This involved looking at the EntityManager Metamodel but this caused an ObjectDB exception.  So I reverted to your example code in the tutorial (with class Point ) and it works as expected: : (995, 995) (996, 996) (997

ObjectDB version 2.3 has been released

the Issue Tracking system to contribute ideas and suggestions. support Support

Cannot find objectdb-jee.jar releases in the ObjectDB maven repository

a  feature request was add now to the issue tracking . The difference between these jars is that 

ObjectDB future

the forum, the issue tracking and the download page and see that ObjectDB is different. Since it first

auto-generated uuid fields

supported. Discussion was moved to a new feature request in the issue tracking . support Support

Beginners questions

and tracking changes You can post as many questions as you want, but please follow the posting instructions

osx menu item about window

osx menu item (for starting/stopping server, viewing config files, data roots, etc) is extremely useful. However, currently the about box doesn't show the current jar version of the server (and with rapid updates, it's difficult to know which version of the server is currently running, and track

ObjectDB and JPA

supports JPA 2.0 (except several unimplemented features - see the issue tracking ). Hibernate supports

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

considerably more time from us, it could only be processed in the slower issue tracking route. Thank

any plan for monitoring tool ?

    hello , is there any plan you have for monitoring objectdb realtime. Tracking queries and finding bottlenecks?   kadirbasol Kadir BASOL There is a ticket created by me. You can subscribe to it: and add you own requirements. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski

IN expression in a Criteria Query

by ObjectDB. They are listed in the issue tracking system , and unfortunately subqueries

-XMX settings recommendation

formula, but usually larger is better, as long as you have sufficient RAM. You can track the actual heap

Maintaining referential integrity

feature request if you need this functionality. Please add your comments regarding this feature (if any) in the issue tracking system. support Support

Case Insensitive Indexes

string but in lowercase or uppercase. You can fill a feature request in the issue tracking

Saving custom list which implements java.util.List fails

the database with the ObjectDB Doctor. But please do that in a separate thread in the issue tracking .  

JPA Query language support in OBjectDB / Sub query or nested Query

Sandeep Dhamale Inner queries are not supported yet. The issue tracking system contains

Will Entire JPQL Supported by ObjectDb?

. You may browse the issue tracking system for more details. Missing JPA features are expected to be supported in

ObjectDB Enhancer Tool in Java 9

indeed solve issue 2) above.  (Thanks!) I will consider this posting closed and instead track issue 1197 . CBE CBE

Should I use ObjectDB and JDO?

and a few other features, as you can see in the issue tracking ). support Support That is exactly what I needed

SectionClassifier message in log

I'm trying to track down an issue in an application - the problem occurs around the retrieval of an object from a database the specifics are unclear at the moment. In the objectdb log the following message is written everytime the issue occurs. Could you give more detail about what this message

javax.transaction.Synchronization with Java SE 10.0.1

(using Java SE 10.0.1). So I tried to track down why it is not found via runtime and discovered

Object DB vs EclipseLink/TopLink: Unloaded relationships in detached entities

may be a good idea. This feature request has just been added to the issue tracking . support Support

a REPLY button will be good!

Hi, all:     This bbs is wonderful, clean, fast. But it has no REPLY button, that can add a hint to which message the author is reply.     Sometimes, multiple replies confuse us in tracking the discussing topic, if a hint like this will be good: On 5/13/2011 11:46

Attempt to open a non existing file '/tmp/objectdb_xxxx/SortQueryItr_6.mrg'

that become unreachable ( tracked by using weak references). When a process starts it tries to delete

Unexpected exception (Error 990)

This report was moved to the online  issue tracking  system. support Support

String comparison in query where clause

of other users of this forum who may track this thread it would be better to close this thread now but not to remove it (at least yet). support Support

Roadmap - no progress - any plans - transparency?

Software. So by browsing our issue tracking system , you can have a general idea of what will be included

Field or Table Encryption

Is there a build-in way to encrypt object fields or entire "tables" with annotations?  If not, are there any recommended design patterns? Thanks mrbahr2003 Thomas Gregory Please see this feature request in the issue tracking . If you need selective encryption of types / fields - please describe your suggestion in that issue thread. support Support

ObjectDB 2 has been released and is now more affordable

(the forum and the issue tracking ). Customers that have paid the old prices for ObjectDB 2.0 will get a refund. support Support

GWT RPC is throwing serialization exception when I have object db date value

that ObjectDB uses in order to track changes. It implements but probably

using objectdb.jar in writing data to mariadb or mysql db

Hello All, I am trying to develop an ICT-Issue- Tracking application. The front end is to be java (for desktop version) and python or php for the web version but i want to code queries in native java and reduce the use of regular sql patterns. Can my application use the objectdb.jar to write

pesimistic Lock semantic

(as your description). This is because without enhancement tracking changes to objects at the time

Remove an entity which attributes were changed - OptimisticLockException

the cause, please track the object version. You can do that easily by adding a version field

Access entity version before commit transaction

doppelrittberger Markus Ritter Use  enhanced classes  to get instant change tracking of all fields. They are also faster. support Support

Running ObjectDB on a node that does not have internet connectivity

.o.EXT. ( at com.objectdb.jdo.PMImpl.getExtent( at peoiws5. track .server

ODB-WeakRefPurger threads not closing at all

is closed, because I have a counter for opening and closing PersistenceManager instances to track DB

Database crash

\db\coreSystemDb.odb' is closed by 11028@wzbhb101 hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker Further discussion of this report is in the issue tracking . support Support

How to change properties in urls2.xml ?

request, so it should have been posted to the forum and not to the issue tracking system. Please read

ObjectDB 2.2.5

in using strings in criteria queries. Fixed a bug in collection change tracking in a new entity

Querying error - java.lang.ClassCastException: com.objectdb.o.STV

I'm getting the ClassCastException below when querying objects. As yet I haven't been able to track down the exact circumstance in which it occurs - saving and querying objects works fine on attempts to recreate - but presumably at some point an object gets saved which objectdb doesn't like. Any

ObjectDB 2.2.0

execution bug when index with null keys is used. Fixed a bug in tracking field changes when a new value

objectdb.home for client/server

to discuss this - issue tracking is only for clear bugs and precisely described feature requests. support Support

Unexpected exception (Error 990) on find

versions (2.4.7, 2.4.6). If it is a new problem, we may be able to track the change the causes it. support

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryException

it says illegal arguement if i select something and search but i am setting correct value. Please find attached the full project. jmankari Jeevan Reddy Mankari This is not an issue tracking for Hibernate but for ObjectDB. support Support

config file for embedded database

and follow the posting instructions . Issue tracking is not for general questions. I am moving this post to the forum. support Support

ObjectDB 2.7.6

of reflection mode (no enhancement) by minimising  tracking backups. Improved concurrency by using

ObjectDB 2.2.6

Fixed the "Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value" after flush bug. Fixed a bug in tracking changes to collections of new flushed entity objects. Fixed generated value (ID allocation) bug with flush and in EJB containers. Fixed a NullPointerException on getObjectsById. Fixed a server

New Java 8 (JDK 1.8) Collection Methods

ObjectDB version 2.5.5 (and above) supports Java 8 (JDK 1.8). Tracking changes to collections and maps using some new Java 8 methods is currently not fully supported. The main known issue is that orphan removal does not happen as a result of removing a reference to an object

ObjectDB 2.8.5

Fixed a bug in using AS in SELECT NEW (breaks some Spring Data JPA queries). Fixed a bug in tracking changes to new collections after flush ( issue #2640 ). Fixed a StackOverflowError on no access permission to objectdb.conf ( issue #2643 ). Fixed a bug in managing pessimistic locks after using

Unexpected Exception during commit

.type.user.UserMember.runInverseQuery( at com.objectdb.pc. track .EntityTracker