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Saving custom list which implements java.util.List fails

problem:   I took the Point-example from the tutorial and added a list ... type tutorial.MyList - field tutorial.MyPoint.list (error 613) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.commit( at tutorial.TestMyList.main( Caused by: javax.persistence

ObjectDB CRUD Examples

> We do not have specific NetBeans examples in addition to tutorial">the tutorials. tutorial">the tutorials, which are small but full application examples. But these tutorials cannot replace the manual, which has to be read. support Support

Failing in embedded mode, correct javax.persistance?

I'm trying to run the tutorial example as given in the tutorial on ObjectDB's net pages ... .7. Q 1) The tutorial is supposed to run embedded. If the file given ... be the javax.persistance version? package tutorial; import javax

Object DB vs EclipseLink/TopLink: Unloaded relationships in detached entities

ObjectDB Java EE tutorials at  are too simplistic (do not ... on the ObjectDB JavaEE tutorials being too simple, it is worth nothing that in the JavaEE6 Tutorial: tutorial uses Glassfish. To find any reference to the matter

Spring MVC Errors

I try to import the project from the tutorial but when doing so I get errors: Tutorial GuestBook...   3.) I'm using Tomcat and I don't get the last part of the tutorial: "To enable on the fly automatic enhancement (weaving) in

system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB GuestDao

tutorial. Eclipse Luna, Glassfish 4. I am getting the following exception ... to retrieve EntityManagerFactory for unitName null You may have missed one of the tutorial ... download and run the Maven version of the tutorial. support Support I checked

Difficulty with the BIRT plugin

to the instructions in the manual there is a more detailed tutorial/tool/report/birt">step by step tutorial, that explains how exactly to create the data set. If you follow the tutorial and still have a problem - please attach a screenshot that shows where the tutorial doesn't reflect reality in

Guestbook EE ear app please

get anything to run unless I do EXACTLY one web project as in your tutorial. Can you please put together another tutorial illustrating remote client access along with web access. Ideally ... of the tutorials is to demonstrate using of ObjectDB in minimal web applications.

List of Enum Values in an entity

Hello, I'm new with ObjectDB and just tried out the example in the Eclipse/Glassfish tutorial (tutorial/jpa/eclipse/ee"> ... is invoked in this tutorial on detached Guest instances, and in

Spring 4 setup

> Existing examples is like for Spring3 and I can't figure how to use ObjecDB in Spring tutorial ... /accessing-data-jpa/   Thanx. anthony Anton Gusev This tutorial ... with the H2 database). To use the tutorial with ObjectDB you will have to add the following: