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ObjectDB current status of the BIRT plugin

Just now I downloaded Eclipse Kepler Reporting. First step was to add the update site for the ObjectDB Data Source Driver as described in ... site. My questions: - Is there a mistake in the tutorial or is the software update site

Missing atificat for ObjectDB?

Hello! I am testing the Spring MVC and JPA tutorial, and always got an error in the POM file: <dependency> <groupId>com.objectdb< ... , the POM file is ok. I am running Eclipse EE and following the tutorial. I am new

Eclipse - Maven - Dependencies not getting automatically reflected

tutorial? If yes, could you please provide a link to the exact tutorial page? support Support

Cannot save or update entity on Spring App

the Guestbook demo application of ObjectDB with Spring Framework (on tutorial/jpa/spring">this tutorial and the zip file that is attached to post #6 on this forum

Using the wrong class to access a database

: package com.objectdb.tutorial; // imports public class Main ... > package com.objectdb.tutorial; import javax.persistence.Entity

Tomcat + JPA Problem

> Guschtl Markus The database location is specified on: tutorial/jpa/eclipse/web/listener">

Problem with polish characters

. I've done tutorial from Your site (guestbook using netBeans and Tomcat) My project is based on this tutorial. Do You know any solution to my problem? Thanks a lot : ) Michał

Java 6/7 Performance Comparison

though is that when using objectdb in embedded mode based on the console tutorial ... is a test case I've been running which is just based on the tutorial and the output for it. I've

Clarification on free license restrictions

persistable type tutorial.Person - field tutorial.Patient.person Thanks, Craig

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Date

) at tutorial/tutorial.Main.main( Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException