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.   When I tried the tutorial example in a pure java project it worked fine

Evaluation License

includes developing open source tools, writing (tutorials, articles, blog posts), giving lectures

Persist not working when ObjectDB and another db is used in the same application (through spring) with different tx managers

, and specify the name of the persistence unit (you use a definition from our Spring Framework tutorial

Cast exception?

put the ObjectDB points tutorial (exported) jar into my current web app, and I created a Point object

EntityManager getMetamodel() causes crash

I am trying to track down some obscure errors with multi-threading.  This involved looking at the EntityManager Metamodel but this caused an ObjectDB exception.  So I reverted to your example code in the tutorial (with class

Error occured during initialization of boot layer

I am trying to implement a database using ObjectDB. To get started i want to write Entities of Type RequirementDBEntity into a database. I followed the tutorials here but when launching the program, i get the following error: Error occurred

Is there any faster select method?

"> em.persist(p); ** the Point class is of the tutorial. I found

New to Product & Having An Issue

Greetings ObjectDB Users! I'm new to the product, and I've setup a simple test after reading the tutorial, and I'm running into some issues with queries, specifically querying by primary key.   I have a domain object class Called

auto-generated uuid fields

Hello, we're porting a JDO application to ObjectDB which uses uuid-hex generated values. However the page on generated values in your JPA tutorial only mentions numeric generated values, and when we try to use it the error message seems to imply that auto-generating strings isn't

auto-generated uuid fields

Hello, we're porting a JDO application to ObjectDB which uses uuid-hex generated values. However the page on generated values in your JPA tutorial only mentions numeric generated values, and when we try to use it the error message seems to imply that auto-generating strings isn't