ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Cast exception?

points tutorial (exported) jar into my current web app, and I created a Point object successfully in

EntityManager getMetamodel() causes crash

I am trying to track down some obscure errors with multi-threading. This involved looking at the EntityManager Metamodel but this caused an ObjectDB exception. So I reverted to your example code in the tutorial (with class Point) and it works as expected: : (995, 995) (996, 996

ObjectDB within a resource adapter module and Java EE Connector Architecture

Has anybody managed to use ObjectDB in a resource adapter module in accordance with the Java EE Connector Architecture so that it may be packaged separately from (but used by components of) an EJB Module after the pattern of the classic EAR File structure as illustrated in the Java EE 7 tutorial in

Error occured during initialization of boot layer

I am trying to implement a database using ObjectDB. To get started i want to write Entities of Type RequirementDBEntity into a database. I followed the tutorials here but when launching the program, i get the following error: Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module

Is there any faster select method?

SELECT: TypedQuery<Point> query = em.createQuery(     "SELECT p FROM Point p WHERE p.id = " + element.getId(), Point.class); List<Point> points = query.getResultList(); WRITE: em.persist(p); ** the Point class is of the tutorial. I found the above select method is ten times slower

New to Product & Having An Issue

Greetings ObjectDB Users! I'm new to the product, and I've setup a simple test after reading the tutorial, and I'm running into some issues with queries, specifically querying by primary key. I have a domain object class Called Department, which has a member of type DomainId. DomainId

auto-generated uuid fields

Hello, we're porting a JDO application to ObjectDB which uses uuid-hex generated values. However the page on generated values in your JPA tutorial only mentions numeric generated values, and when we try to use it the error message seems to imply that auto-generating strings isn't supported

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Date

more I'm following this tutorial. https://www.developer.com/database/using-objectdb-in-java-projects

How to package orm.xml when using EJB in WAR?

EE guestbook tutorial with the following changes: It is a parent project with 2 sub projects

auto-generated uuid fields

Hello, we're porting a JDO application to ObjectDB which uses uuid-hex generated values. However the page on generated values in your JPA tutorial only mentions numeric generated values, and when we try to use it the error message seems to imply that auto-generating strings isn't supported

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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