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Suggest link to Maven example from Enhancer tool page

there to the tutorial example: tutorial/jpa/web/maven">

Problems using Maven Repo

one of our Maven based tutorials (e.g. tutorial/jpa/spring">this tutorial)? support Support

How to install ObjectDB on my Amazon EC2?

Hi I just created an Amazon EC2 account and I want to build project based on Java/JPA and ObjectDB. I searched the web but didn't find any proper tutorials. I ... > This website has several tutorial">getting started tutorials. You should first run

Should I use ObjectDB and JDO?

> I don't see an ObjectDB tutorial using JDO and annotations.  Is there one? > I don't see an ObjectDB tutorial using JDO and annotations.  Is there one? tutorials use JPA. > Is JDO and object databases

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/time/LocalDate

Following tutorial.Main2.main( Caused by ... (see attachment), the tutorial runs OK.

Path in tomcat

improvements need to be done. The link shows a tutorial, tutorial/jpa/eclipse/web/project"> >Now, add ObjectDB

Maven driven compile time ehnancement

. Please try the following: Download the tutorial/jpa/web/maven">tutorial web application Maven project. Replace the pom.xmltutorial/jpa/eclipse/web/listener">in the listener during run

Glassfish and ObjectDB 2.4.3

Hello, I tried to get the Guestbook tutorial run with Glassfish ... > banifou Fou Banit I just tried the Java EE GuestBook tutorial with NetBeans 7.2 ... NetBeans open the project objectdb-2.4.3\tutorials\guestbook-jee6 In the pom.xml file

Report Generation with BIRT and JPA

hi In tutorial/tool/report/birt">Report Generation with BIRT and JPA tutorial. step:1 completed but in step:2  "business Intelligence ... of the tutorial two different Eclipse plugin installations are needed. support Support

Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct)

from that of your own JavaEE tutorial and servlet + query example. The reason ... >  Regarding tutorials  / examples, thank you for your comments. There is always room for improvements. Since the purpose of the tutorials is to help in starting using ObjectDB in