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WebService : Failed to get reference value of field using enhanced method

class="code">PolicyEntity class with a runnable test and post an Eclipse/NetBeans/Maven project

Searching lists within objects

Hi everyone,  I've a problem with searching on lists. I'm uncertain as to what the best form is, so I've created a maven project with all the classes and a unit test showing my issue. Pretty much I want to search using cb.isMember passing an object. This however does

Speed of queries that return many objects

;">maven clean install -DskipTests - Start Spring Boot application in target folder

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/criteria/AbstractQuery

> instead of objectdb.jar (or Maven without the separate JPA jar) outside

Problem upgrading

> That's exactly what I did. I even delete my whole local maven repository to force a clean install

Recursive calls with @PreUpdate annotation and Glassfish OutOfMemoryError

remove the enhancement (I do this build time with maven). First, for the test case I

ObjectDB embedded JAR location in Payara

the jar from Maven) in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web application. support Support

Database access error , Doctor hanging on trying to repair, production shutdown at our biggest customer

for us with that version. We double checked the version and also use Maven we did run Doctor after switching

ObjectDB 2.1.0

) Maven projects (included in the download). Added support of

ObjectDB 2.2.6

> Fixed pom.xml files in the Maven tutorials to use Java 1.5 / 1.6.