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Problem undeploying Glassfish3.1.1 web application cleanly

injection)? Could not build GuestBook example from Maven, but I could create a new Netbeans

Problem on JPA Merge Entity.

">maven. That works fine.   Thank you.

OEM license, enhancer

adding enhancer to our maven process, I want to know if the OEM license is in this case works


Is there a tutorial or instructions as how to setup a connection in JDeveloper to ObjectDB? Thanks nat nat101 Nat Gross No, but you may be able to use the Maven examples (included in the ObjectDB download file) by importing them to JDeveloper

What are the steps of creating small web app?

if there is anything I am missing Do I really need maven for this project, Do I really need Hibernate for this project

UTF Error

>The Client side is 2.8.8 (a maven project) . The downloaded version of ObjectDB is also 2.8.8.  I

Missing (null) elements in eager loaded references

Support Okay, here is a only main class project with no gradle or maven taken from the posting

Error occured during initialization of boot layer

.transaction.xa to module javafx.swt. Ps.: I am using Eclipse without maven and i am a hobby

ObjectDB 2.6.8

Added JPA XML validation schema files to Maven/JEE objectdb.jar. Added automatic release of pessimistic locks on client-server connection failure. Fixed an OptimisticLockException bug

ObjectDB 2.2.3

> Added Maven build enhancement to the bundled examples. Fixed