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enhancement issue

#maven_and_ant_enhancement">build time enhancement or enhancement by an agent (specifying

Spring Data JPA - PersistenceException thrown

of debugging, I found that the MetaModel is for JPA 1.0 spec. The dependency listed on the maven page

objectdb (licensed) + github action error

Hello,  In a software engineering course (UPV/EHU University, Spain), my students have deployed their proyects in a Continuos Integration Enviroment using a created(licensed)objectdb as a Database (maven projects). The projects run and test fine in local. The projects

disabling JDO in objectdb embedded mode

> Should I add additional maven dependencies to fix the problem ? (currently I

How to package orm.xml when using EJB in WAR?

; both persistence.xml and orm.xml are located in src/main/resources/META-INF and Maven

ObjectDB version 2.1 has been released

of the ObjectDB manual (included in the download). Added sample (tutorials) Maven

Single Server License and Embedded Mode

the objectdb.conf as directed during activation.  However, I'm using maven to to get objectdb lib from

TreeSet and compareTo() issue

. I've put together a test case app (Maven) that shows the issue.  On the first run

How to create a wildfly datasource with dsJndi name to an objectdb database?

and run the Maven project of that tutorial) in order to run ObjectDB in Wildfly or any

Feature suggestion: auto-detection of entities via persistence.xml extension

I am encountering problems (complexities) with EntityManager registration of entities across multiple modules in a multi-module Maven project. I have a  entities under many different paths in many different modules, and frequently evolving/changing. JPA2 persistence.xml