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Externalising persistence.xml properties in Glassfish?

doing all sorts of tricks with maven and file copying to get around it but so far it hasn't been a good ... . I do this manually but I have a half-working maven script that I use to create my artifacts. maven resource copying is a little flaky and I'd prefer a build independent way of resolving

WebSphere Liberty Configuration

: Are you using Maven to get the ObjectDB jar file? I pull the jar in through maven and bundle it in the war file.  It is objectdb.jar, I

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

Hi! Scenario: Copy attached DB into localhost ObjectDB server (I'm running 2.5.1_03). Open attached project JavaEE Maven with NetBeans (7.4 beta ... it, it happens the same, as in the previous scenarios. I have attached the console maven app

Option or strategy to disable/skip runtime enhancement checks (to improve load time)?

On startup of a Maven-based web app there is verbose logging of object checking whether enhancement has been applied to a wide range of classes, many ... are enhanced. I am using Maven-based compile-time enhancement applied to entity modules

Exception while accessing the Persistence unit ...?

> Try repeating the tutorial steps one by one carefully or download and use the ready to use Maven ... get the same result. All DB operations fail. When I deploy the Maven generated war file

Error 990... and then new version?

noticed there was a new release!  I hadn't noticed this because the maven instructions ... finally find the bottom of your very out-dated maven repository page!  It compiles now

Homepage and forum nearly inaccessible

> Our Maven server receives occasionally a flood of automatic requests (for ObjectDB jar files and for other unrelated jars). As a fix we moved the Maven server today to another node in a different location

PostUpdate on array changes

; How can I pre-enhance classes with Gradle? A Maven and an Ant enhancement are maven_and_ant_enhancement">shown here. If you convert it to Gradle

Another NPE on em.createQuery(query).getResultList()

:// It's a Maven build, if you have Maven ... with Maven, it'll complain about missing objectdb dependency and give you a command to install

Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api?

just fine, but when I use a Maven plugin to detect duplicate classes and resources, it points ... (without JPA). The JAR files on the Maven repository now excludes the JPA files. Similar action