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Problem using Maven Repository - Enitiy Class will be ignored

I found this suspect if i use the maven to download objectdb. < ... ;/systemPath> </dependency> fjubuu Maik Note that the ObjectDB Maven repository ... . Starting version 2.6.3 (and build build 2.6.2_02) the ObjectDB Maven repository will include

Cannot find objectdb-jee.jar releases in the ObjectDB maven repository

Hi, I can only find objectdb.jar releases in the ObjectDB maven repository. If objectdb ... to include objectdb-jee.jar for the current and future maven releases ? Thanks Andrew   andrewv Andrew Voumard Currently the Maven repository doesn't include

Maven Repo for ObjectDB

Is there any Maven 2 or 3 support for ObjectDB, any repo available to download the libraries required Thanks, N.H meetnavpk Naveed Hussain A new Maven repository is now available on: This maven repository seems offline now. Is there any way

Spring + Maven + persitence.xml

Hi, I tested ObjectDB embedded and it is really fast! Everything worked out of the box. Maven: <dependency>    <groupId>com.objectdb</groupId>    <artifactId>objectdb</artifactId>    <version

Maven Enhancement with OSGi Plugins

Hello, I've an OSGi environment and try to enhance Classes with Maven as it is described in your tutorials. Now I get ClassNotFoundException's with some entity classes, which contains enums from other plugins. Is there a way to include classes in enhancement process? Thanks for your help

Last build is not available on Maven Repository

Is there some special reason why the last two builds of 2.3.3 are not available in your Maven repository? mosi0815 Ralph Moser Just checked and 2.3.3_06 was indeed missing (but 2.3.3_05 was there). It is available now (refresh your browser). I will check what went wrong. Thank you for reporting this. support Support

Maven host down?

Hi, Something is wrong with ODB maven repository. I was trying to update / resolve dependency for new ODB build and seems to be down. Can you check this please? Thanks. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski I cannot see any problem now. Maybe it was a temporary problem

Maven repo down? ... No go     anahata Pablo Same for me... mimac Milan Fabian The Maven server was moved now to the new host and should work again. It may take, however, a few hours for the DNS to be updated. support Support

Feature suggestion: Improved Maven Enhancer support

There may a way to achieve recursive application of the enhancer using the maven plugin approach using maven tricks, but the current way of specifying arguments is a bit tedious ... Kelly Agreed. This improvement may require implementing a dedicated ObjectDB Maven plugin. Maybe

Problemss during maven build

Hey out there! Anybody experiencing this problem during a maven build while downloading from ... .9.10/jackson-bom-2.9.10.pom My maven config looks simple like this: Maven repository. We found an issue that seems to match