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Possible issue with Spring JPA and Embedded

to be an entity it all works happily. I have attached a spring maven project (use 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' to generate the maven project, and then 'import' into eclipse). I've stripped out as

Activation Issue

entity classes. The ObjectDB Enhancer is launched by the Maven exec plugin automatically. or fire it up in your favorite Maven capable IDE.

problems using the explorer

-0627 ObjectDB 2.5.5 Maven project, objectDB relevant sections: 2.2.5, which was downloaded automatically by the Maven example

lockfiles in client/server mode

ownership of /tmp/ObjectDB. problem: i cannot run a maven test with my own account, or ... tomcat, objectdb server and maven tests with my user account, and this has been successful since the ID

Website Problems

There are some problems with the ObjectDB website today. We are looking for the cause and hope to find and fix it soon. Meanwhile, the Maven repository, which may be related, is temporarily down. support Support The website and the Maven repository are up again. support Support

Nexus proxy repository with ObjectDB

-03-27 08:54:16 INFO  [ar-4-thread-5] admin ... , with no relation to ObjectDB. Currently the ObjectDB Maven repository works

system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB GuestDao

download and run the Maven version of the tutorial. support Support I checked ... Tutorial - Maven Project" and imported it into eclipse: same problem (see below).

objectdb:2.8.4 - Error occurred during initialization of boot layer

directory of the ObjectDB distribution), or the objectdb.jar file from the Maven repository.Maven

ObjectDB 2.6.3

issue with mapped by fetch. Fixed the ObjectDB Maven repository and Maven examples

Activation & Object Model Enhancement

> Well, we are creating osgi bundles using maven. One of our bundles contains the code calling odb JEnhancer. Maybe it'd be possible to somewhat generate a key with maven & odb on developer machine