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Missing atificat for ObjectDB?

to Maven. What's the problem? Thanks.   marlonmin martin Use version 2.5.3, which is the latest one, not 2.0.4. You should also make sure that ObjectDB Maven ... ", with another file named "_maven.repositories", which is missing. It seems somehow the update

Latest version with license for evaluation

looking to evaluate ObjectDB - Can you please let me know the latest version maven entry i got confused as the downloads have version in 2.5.X series and maven has it till 2.4.0. Kindly let me know the maven entry for latest - thank you. I am very new to the tool and have found

c.o.jpa.type.EntityTypeImpl.getIdType() returns null

of the maven artifact and still have the same issue. maybe this helps, the MetamodelImpl ... .2.3). I just added it to the Maven repository (usually x.x.x_x builds are available ... > btw: would be nice to have those builds as a patch or snapshot version maven artifact in the future

Annotations not supported in -source1.3 (use -source 5 or higher ..)

user running Netbeans java version "1.5.0_28": as su running maven mvn Maven version: 2.0.8 Firstly, I followed the instructions to build the points example from Maven ... -source1.3 (use -source 5 or higher ..) (Note that the version of Java I ran Maven as

problem with lazy loading - unittest project attached

; <repository> <id>spring-maven-milestone</id> <url></url> </repository> ... common frames omitted   support Support hmm, strange, which maven

EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior

your sample project from a Maven project into a simple Eclipse project that doesn't use Maven ... jar with dependency on the ObjectDB development project, which doesn't seem to work with a Maven ... for I have attached the updated Maven project. Please let me know


to incorporate the odb enhancement in my maven build. i tried a class entry in my persistence.xml but that didnt seem to be working. i tried adding compiler arguments(maven compiler ... Hi All, With due respect, just want to ask anyone can help by directing me to Maven

Deploy ObjectDB in WildFly 10

maven">this Maven Java EE demo application. It was tested ... ; Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects), and then right click the project root and run (Run

Starting Explorer programmatically

>   repositories { jcenter () maven { url ' ... Moshal Yes, you need the Explorer JAR file and it is not available on ObjectDB Maven repository ... to our automatic Maven repository, so it was added to plans but will not be available immediately. support Support

NullPointer when accessing persistent field

line under maven ( I will have to send you a snapshot of some of the utility dependencies ) JFK John Francis The Maven project that causes this exception could help. The uploaded zip contains a maven project (