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As explained in chapter 2 , entity objects can be deleted from the database by ... DELETE queries provide an alternative way for deleting entity objects. Unlike SELECT queries, which are used to retrieve data from the database, DELETE queries do not retrieve data from

Deleting JPA Entity Objects

Existing entity objects can be deleted from the database either explicitly by invoking the remove method or implicitly as a result of a cascade operation. Explicit Remove In order to delete ... transaction, it can be deleted using the remove method: Employee employee = em. find (Employee.class, 1

Delete object from collection versus delete from JPQL

and use persist() to write them to the database.  But does running a JPQL update or delete alter ... ; greymatter Lee Grey UPDATE and DELETE queries bypass the EntityManager entity object management ... for more details: DELETE queries UPDATE queries After using these queries you may use refresh , or

Running JPA Queries

other case. In addition, the Query interface defines a method for running DELETE and UPDATE queries: Query.executeUpdate - for running only DELETE and UPDATE queries. Ordinary Query Execution ... that these exceptions might be thrown, they have to be caught and handled. DELETE and UPDATE Query Execution

Slave server not getting deletes

do a delete query, the records don't get deleted " delete from TestTable t " When I insert a record, then delete it, then re-insert it again, the slave server will give this error because the record did not get deleted .  It got deleted on the master so master has no issue. com.objectdb.o.UserException

Handling deleted references

Hi support team, I have a problem when using DELETE query to delete Entity instances. We use ... a profile I run a DELETE query on the old profile , hoping that this would lead to the field "profile ... if the profile instance is such a "intermediate/ deleted " instance. Is there a way to safely detect

Unable to delete the .odb file programatically

Hi, I created the test.odb file, read the contents and now trying the delete the odb file using ... .close(); }   After executing the above code, when i am trying to delete the file using ... ;for (File temp : files ) {         boolean deleted = file. delete

Bulk Delete and Update - best practice?

The attached test creates 1000 large objects and then attempts to delete them all in one go using a DELETE statement. I'm trying to run with -Xmx512m but the test runs out of memory during the delete . The attachment also contains an update test which has similar memory problems. I'm running

Is there a function of "drop table" or "delete from table"?

Besides the em.remove() one by one, is there a function of "drop table" or " delete from table"? TIA gzdillon Lai Yang You can execute a DELETE query:     em.createQuery(" DELETE ... . I can not find "drop table" in this site BTW. gzdillon Lai Yang The code “createQuery(" DELETE FROM

OneToMany and cascade delete problem

, there is null pointer about not finding offer (which is deleted together with product ... and cascading delete from Product to Offer  are irrelevant to the exception. Let focus only in ... is deleted . Otherwise a broken reference from Store to the deleted Product is formed. support Support I

How to delete a specific column data form a entity.

I have a entity class named Agent having fields Id,Name,Code,Skill ...etc. I wants to delete only the Skill from a row so I use Query like " Delete a.Skill from Agent a where a.Id = 112" but It gives ... Manoj Kumar Maharana DELETE queries are for deleting complete objects (rows). You may use an UPDATE

Cascading delete

Is there a configuration parameter to set this? dmoshal David Moshal You can set cascade delete using annotations (see also the Orphan Removal section). JDO defines similar annotations, and both JPA ... configuration. You cannot set global cascade delete since that will be too risky - you may delete the entire database. support Support

Delete class from DB - through Explorer

Hi! I was looking for ways to delete a class (entity/embedded) from a database through Explorer ... is to delete the whole db and make a new one, but that's not a good scenario ... . However, it only affects the list of classes in the Explorer, so you may just ignore the deleted class

Cascade delete with unidirectional mapping

    Suppose entity A is referenced from entity B, like (A - * B) but not actually having that reference, instead only B has @ManyToOne relationship to A and A has none. Is there a way to cascade delete of B's when deleting A? Or this should be done programatically with separate

Need disk usage and delete some old files

    Hello , is it possible to get disk usage of database ? If disk usage becomes too high , delete old date files from database. And recalculate disk usage back ?   kadirbasol Kadir ... usage and delete some old files" and should be focus only on that subject. support Support

Database Explorer

. The functionality of the Edit   Delete command depends on the context. Deleting a reference field sets the value to null without deleting any referenced entity object. On the other hand, deleting an entity object that is represented by a child of an Extent node in a viewer window deletes the object

Working with JPA Entity Objects

requires using entity objects for many operations, including storing, retrieving, updating and deleting ... . A managed entity object can also be retrieved from the database and marked for deletion , using ... Managed to Removed , and is physically deleted from the database during commit. More details on object

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

(update and delete queries have a slightly different form). The other JPQL clauses, WHERE , GROUP BY , HAVING and ORDER BY are optional. The structure of JPQL DELETE and UPDATE queries is simpler: DELETE

CRUD Database Operations with JPA

it to store, retrieve, update and delete database objects. Storing New Entity Objects The following ... (); for (int i = 0; i = 100) { em. remove (p); // delete entity } else { p.setX(p.getX() + 100); // update ... coordinate is greater or equal to 100 are deleted . All the other Point objects are updated. Chapter 3

Database Management Settings

When enabled, a recovery file is created by ObjectDB when a database is opened and deleted by ObjectDB ... of these temporary databases is deleted when using the drop URL connection parameter . The elements

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

detection , support for delete , etc. Query results are not limited to entity objects. JPA 2 adds ... that update or delete entity objects, in which managed entity objects are needed. Managed entity

Database Connection using JPA

- for specifying a user password in client server mode. drop - for deleting any existing database ... ); EntityTransaction Operations that affect the content of the database (store, update, delete

Server User List

of a database. create - permission to create new subdirectories and database files. delete - permission to delete subdirectories and database files. If no database file permissions are specified the user

Locking in JPA

that has to be updated or deleted is checked. An exception is thrown if it is found out that an update ... or deleted , and compares the version number of that object in the database to the version number

Chapter 1 - Quick Tour

ObjectDB databases and perform basic CRUD operations (Create/Store, Retrieve, Update and Delete ... storing, retrieving, updating and deleting Point objects. To run the sample program of this chapter in

JPA Lifecycle Events

- after deleting an entity from the database (during commit or flush ). An entity class may include callback

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)


Privacy Policy

, while Session Cookies are deleted as soon as You close Your web browser. We use both Session and Persistent

How to install ObjectDB?

ObjectDB is distributed as a zip file. Just download and extract the ObjectDB distribution zip file. No need to run any install or setup program. You can uninstall ObjectDB by deleting the ObjectDB directory. ObjectDB does not modify the registry or any other system file.

Database Doctor

over FTP in ASCII mode (BINARY mode should be used). Deleting an ObjectDB database recovery file or

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

an EntityTransaction Operations that modify database content, such as store, update, and delete

Database Schema Evolution

Modifications to entity classes that do not change their persistent field definitions (their schema) are transparent to ObjectDB. This includes adding, removing and modifying constructors, methods and non persistent fields. However, additions, deletions and modifications to the persistent fields

ObjectDB 2.9 Developer's Guide

to store, retrieve, update and delete database objects.        

General Settings and Logging

is automatically deleted . The elements elements specify logging levels. The "*" logger

JPA Primary Key

are deleted from the database. The primary key value of an entity can be accessed by declaring

Deletion of an entry via the table window always deletes the last entry not the selected one

and prex "Del" or use right click " Delete " the last entry of the table is removed and not the selected ... you for your report but unfortunately we cannot reproduce it (e.g. deleting the first row in a table of two rows deletes the first row as expected). More information about this issue may help. support

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

is automatically stored in the database when the transaction is committed (unless it is being deleted before commit ... as long as the object exists in the database. If an object is deleted from the database, its unique ... ( ... ) , because the object is not deleted from the database, just its name is removed. Objects with names

I can't get cascading delete to work in JDO

, but cascading delete does not, leaving orphan objects. sjzlondon Steve Zara Thank you for this report. Apparently cascading delete has never been implemented in ObjectDB (see also " Deleting Dependent Objects" on this old documentation page ). Build 2.7.5_04 implements cascading delete in JDO

JPQL Update & Delete (JPA 1.0)

JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) supports updating and deleting database objects by queries. Currently ObjectDB supports only JPQL SELECT (retrieval) queries. Delete queries are supported for JDOQL (JDO Query Language). support Support spring-data-jpa uses delete queries to implement

Deleting archive log folder causes exception

Hello, we have observed strange behaviour when we delete odb archive log directory. We are running long term tests and during it we are deleting all logs that are not needed keeping the system running. When the "archive/" folder, where odb logs are archived, is deleted , the exceptions occur: [2014

Issue with cascade delete & add/remove

of Address which cascades deletes (orphanRemoval=true) to its children which is what we want ... it has never been deleted from the collection (at least, until the transaction is comitted ... Entities within the collection of a Contact when we delete the Contact? Is that cascaded or do we need

Deleting a broken reference that was fixed to null in the Explorer

Using version 2.7.4_01, we did a repair. After repair a former link to a missing reference was converted to null. This cannot be deleted using explorer   hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker Thank you for this report. Build 2.7.4_02 fixes the issue. support Support

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

this way, the edited script will not be deleted when extracting files of a newer ObjectDB version ... the directory tree and the file list to open the context menus), you can copy, cut, paste, delete ... . You can also delete or rename a selected persistent class using the "Edit | Delete " and the "Edit | Rename" menu


JDO Static Field in javax.jdo.listener.InstanceLifecycleEvent DELETE Since: JDO 2.0


JDO Enum Constant in javax.jdo.ObjectState PERSISTENT_ DELETED Since: JDO 1.0


JDO Enum Constant in javax.jdo.ObjectState PERSISTENT_NEW_ DELETED Since: JDO 1.0

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

, the edited script will not be deleted when extracting the files of a newer ObjectDB version ... files a create permission is required. A delete permission is required for deletion of subdirectories ... address restriction. The minus value in the delete attribute removes an inherited permission

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

during the execution of deletePersistent( ... ) , just before an object is deleted . A possible action is to delete ... .getPersistenceManager(this); pm.deletePersistent(p1); pm.deletePersistent(p2); } } When a Line instance is deleted , the two referred Point instances are deleted with it. 3.5  Automatic Schema Evolution

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

storing, retrieving, updating and deleting database objects, are provided in the next chapter ... . In JDO, operations that affect the content of the database (store, update, delete ... , it is deleted only when the database is closed). If the system crashes during a commit() (e.g

ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

and delete database objects. Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries Describes JDOQL, the JDO Query Language. The last