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Problem with @OrderBy

When I use @OrderBy and supply multiple order fields I get and error when ObjectDB Explorer expands a instance of the entity. Example code: Explorer Th error that seems most informative

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

The database file is opened very quickly in the Explorer. If it takes longer in

Is there an update on running ObjectDB purely in-memory?

could not open explorer. then i erase this line then i could able to run the explorer and server

BIRT plugin: Trouble with Client/Server connection

I am having trouble setting up the birt points.odb sample with a client/server connection. I can connect to points.odb with the explorer.  I added a "Data Source ... > Please explain how you run the server and whether you can access that database on the server from the Explorer

cannot delete objects after crash (see issue 2283)

after the crash we cannot delete specific objects, see screenshots of explorer. Database will be soon available (size 5.561.119 KB) on, user/pw your db ... its output. Exploring the cause of the recovery failure is still in progress. support

ObjectDB 2.3.5

Added support of DATE(...) and TIME(...) methods in queries. Added new Explorer and Server exe (for Windows 7 ... parameters display in the Explorer schema window. Fixed merging a new entity object with application set primary key.

ObjectDB 2.3.1

> New default Explorer colors (apply with Tools > Options > Fonts > Reset ... the Explorer. Improved UnsupportedOperationException 

each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other

> We will continue to explore the thread dumps. Obviously there are places for improvement ... to open the database with the explorer) hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker I would prefer

Best practise loading big data

dump that we can explore, as the screenshots provide very limited information. support ... we may be able to explore it further. You can upload the heap dump to the internet (e.g

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

Explorer. I 7zipped our database and attached it to the private ticket http://www.objectdb ... the Explorer with no errors. The errors may indicate abnormal database termination followed