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Empty temporary dat files in the temp folder

Hello, We have questions regarding the pagesX.dat files in the temp directory ... , remove …) and then commit or in the case of errors rollback the transaction and closing the EntityManager. In some scenarios we use additional databases as large data sink. And for optimized data

disabling JDO in objectdb embedded mode

Hi, i am using objectdb (version 2.6.8) in embedded mode. I deployed an .ear project in glassfish. When I attempt to call the database I get several exceptions ... of another JDO implementation in your web application or class path. support Support Hi,

How to package orm.xml when using EJB in WAR?

Hi, I have database utility classes in one project, the id's use sequences declared in an orm.xml file for example: <entity class="com.x ... ; both persistence.xml and orm.xml are located in src/main/resources/META-INF and Maven

Failing in embedded mode, correct javax.persistance?

I'm trying to run the tutorial example as given in the tutorial on ObjectDB's net pages ... on the "persistence.xml" and where it should be stored, contents etc. Since I am running the program in ... in the tutorial… (I should mention that I have tried running

Query in JPA2 with LEFT JOIN on INNER JOIN

How write a query in JPA2 with LEFT JOIN on INNER JOIN? faber Faber The syntax of using JOIN in explained on this manual page. Using ON in

Server vs embedded mode in multi-instance scenario

that allows using a combined embedded-server mode, in which the database is accessed in embedded mode ... > Now you should be able to open the same database in "embedded mode" by several processes. The first one will use the database in real embedded mode and will start a private server. 

Items in list are doubled, when the entity class is not enhanced

, for example put "com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("javaapplication.*");" into the first line in main 2. add a String field into Customer with getters and setters. (the field name in my case ... > Michael anaq x Your program (in #1) demonstrates a very strange behavior

Should I be able to persist a JFrame (or gui components in general)?

your tutorial. This whole process worked and end result was working persistence as seen in explorer ... to solve the problem by preserving the status quo, in that a database drives the code ... . However, in writing the Contact class, I realized I was still mapping my Contact class

How to use ObjectDB properly in spring boot application?

>It works but the code has become uggly since I had to use try catch finally blocks in order ... are done in JpaRepositories or Dao classes with @Transactional methods (as described in    Thanks in advance.. abdullaharslan abdullah arslan Please check

InternalException when using MEMBER OF on a large list in a query

your database with the Doctor. If the error repeats, try to fix the database by running the Doctor in repair ... reproduced the exception by execute the Query in the explorer. Also with the outcome of the Doctor in ... should fix it. The issue is caused because of a bug in handling query results that combine