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Vacuum - Reclaiming Unused Space In Odb

database.  Our odb files are about 50Gb in size and are written to about a million times a day with both adds and updates.  This is creating a lot of unused space in the database ... a database to a flat file (basically a sql dump) and reload.  Is there a capability in ObjectDb

Inserted entities with strings as keys and indices needs more and more ram memory in comparing to primitive integers as keys and indices

are sequential and therefore they are stored in sequence pages in the database. New objects with UID primary keys may have to be stored distributed in the entire database file, so a similar transaction may require searching positions in the database and processing much more database pages

How to open a running db in ObjectDB Explorer?

Hi! I've just discovered that I can't see the content of a database while it's in use. Is there any way in which I could do that? It's not nice at all to close the application, copy the db in another location, start the application then finally I could explore my data

lockfiles in client/server mode

to create lockfiles in /tmp/ObjectDB. my account and the tomcat account naturally cannot do this on the same machine where the objectdb server has done it. a persistence unit is defined in src ... to the server rather than attempt to start in embedded mode. i have also tried creating the EMF

Externalising persistence.xml properties in Glassfish?

William Hello, Why dont you create multiple  presistance units in ... to pick them up if you give the place holder. I know I have tried this in the application.xml   ... to ObjectDB. support Support Well this should do the trick. in your persistance

Join performance in Objectdb

execution time of hours. Since you didn't provide a test case (as requested in ... . Maybe the id fields in Page and . In that case, executing the JOIN may require iteration over 160,000 x 160,000 x 160,000

composite index not used in query

). [Step 1c] Retrieve fields in Action (a) instances. [Step 1d] Filter the results of step 1c ... over all the instances (a1) in a.objectsInCharge. [Step 2b] Retrieve fields in ObjectNode (a1) instances ... ) in a1.childNodes. [Step 3b] Retrieve fields in ObjectNode (v$1) instances. [Step 3c] Filter

Removed entities can be found by query in the same transaction

.4_04, therefore in the moment we are using 2.7.4_03. Unfortunately it is difficult to create an example, because the error only occurs in a complex scenario. Maybe you have a hint ... >Apparently the query was directed to the wrong snapshot. Are you sure that this bug exists in 2

Enum fields are set to null and embeddable enum class does not show in explorer

and the field in the related objects is set to null. This is highly critical because it will cause data loss! The enum type is also not listed in the explorer. I am talking about an enum class ... >This has effect, when something in the explorer is edited and saved (with missing enum type in

Memory leak in com.objectdb.o.CST

where there are over 3gigs allocated in thousands of com.objectdb.o.CST instances as shown in ... you have mistaken shallow heap size as instances.  It is only 1 instance of EMF as seen in the better view I uploaded in this reply.   So the question remains.